Conservatory showcases woodwind prowess for Music at Noon

Music at Noon featured a talented trio of classical musicians.
Caleb Aguilera, Writer
• April 26, 2017
“Trainspotting” rekindles the unassumingly fervent film franchise

Boyle’s unexpected sequel, “T2 Trainspotting” meditatively plays off the ‘90s cult-classic.
Kyle Kohner, Copy Editor & Office Manager
• March 21, 2017
All four proposals pass

Senators hear from administration, SGA updates and vote on proposals.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer
• March 7, 2017
Four students propose during first open proposal of spring 2017

Senators vote on internal proposals and hear four student proposals.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer
• February 27, 2017
Rogue One spurs the demise of Star Wars

Disney exemplifies a dire lack of vision surprisingly early in the game.
Maxwell Heilman, Writer
• February 14, 2017
Loving Star Wars despite its destined fall

With the upcoming addition to the storied franchise, audiences should be cautious.
Kyle Kohner, Copy Editor & Office Manager
• December 6, 2016
Five films to “fall” for

With the Oscars coming quickly, Oscar bait will loom over theaters in the coming season.
Kyle Kohner, Copy Editor & Office Manager
• September 20, 2016
POPS! takes Biola on an adventure

This annual concert provides a light-hearted evening of strange sights, fun music, and iconic figures.
Jana Eller, Office Manager
• May 10, 2016
Emmy winner takes note of Biola

The Biola music conservatory hires Gary Kuo, a six-time emmy award winner.
Jana Eller, Office Manager
• April 13, 2016
Han shot first, you can too
Students discuss their methods for success in Catch Me If You Can.
Alexandria Rosales, Writer
• March 8, 2016
Opera in a galaxy far, far away

Students performed the opera “The Magic Flute” with a modern sci-fi twist.
Bethany Higa, Writer
• February 16, 2016
I Find Your Lack of Love Disturbing

Looking into how “Star Wars” impacts our lives.
Bretton Theune, Writer
• December 8, 2015
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Olivia Kam, News Editor • February 28, 2025
On Feb. 7, water was shut off to dorms on Biola’s upper campus, specifically Blackstone, Alpha and Sigma. The issue was resolved later that...