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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Crime Log ― Oct. 10 – 17

Crime Log ― Oct. 10 - 17
Vandalism, disturbing the peace and couple cases of fire starting make up this week's crime log.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief October 17, 2017
Vandalism, disturbing the peace and couple cases of fire starting make up this week's crime log.

Crime Log: Sept. 5 – 12

Crime Log: Sept. 5 - 12
A fire, hit and run, disturbing the peace and trespassing make up this week's crime log
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief September 12, 2017
A fire, hit and run, disturbing the peace and trespassing make up this week's crime log

Crime Log ― April 11-24

Crime Log ― April 11-24
Under the influence, fire and trespassing makes up this week's crime log.
Jana Eller, Office Manager April 25, 2017
Under the influence, fire and trespassing makes up this week's crime log.

Crime Log ― November 15-29

Crime Log ― November 15-29
Petty Theft, Vandalism and Possesion of weapon on school grounds.
Jana Eller, Office Manager November 29, 2016
Petty Theft, Vandalism and Possesion of weapon on school grounds.

Phone restricted access

Jose Flores/ THE CHIMES
Risk Management requests Galaxy Note 7 remain off-campus.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer November 8, 2016
Risk Management requests Galaxy Note 7 remain off-campus.

Will Butler loosens up and gets down with solo-debut
“Policy” is a mixed bag that shows promise in its more rock-based moments.
David Vendrell, Writer March 3, 2015
“Policy” is a mixed bag that shows promise in its more rock-based moments.

Fire drills kindle mixed feelings

Infographic shows the current and budgeted funds to ugrade fire alert technology. | Angelica Abalos/THE CHIMES
Students think that the number of fire drills in the dorms during the semester are unnecessary.
Jocelyn Meza, Writer December 4, 2014
Students think that the number of fire drills in the dorms during the semester are unnecessary.

Boles fire devastates community

Finding hope in the aftermath of destruction, Biola student Cameron Peck receives support after the Boles Fire in Weed, CA destroyed his family home.
Sarah Giovannini, Writer September 28, 2014
Finding hope in the aftermath of destruction, Biola student Cameron Peck receives support after the Boles Fire in Weed, CA destroyed his family home.