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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Alpha resident crashes into window

The broken glass window in Alpha Hall Stair 4
Ambulance called and medical attention given to bandaged student
Olivia Kam and Joseph Abboud September 9, 2024

With both an injured student and a broken window, Alpha Hall faces a time of recovery and repair. Brian Phillips, associate vice president of Facility and Auxiliary Operations, provided information about the restoration of the window. “The estimated damage to the window will be approximately...

Alpha Hall adjusts to being an all-freshmen and co-ed dorm

Student seen walking into the newly co-ed Alpha Hall.
New semester ushers in big changes for Alpha Hall.
Olivia Kam, News Editor September 19, 2023

Last year, Biola announced that there would be changes to housing and residence which garnered a variety of responses. Alpha Hall was one of the residence halls that changed the most with the arrival of the fall 2023 semester.  INITIAL ANNOUNCEMENT  On Jan. 31, an email was sent out to undergraduates...

Chimes News Quiz!

Chimes News Quiz!
Have you been following our coverage? Brush up on the biggest news stories of the past two weeks.
Dalet Valles, Editor-in-Chief February 21, 2023

Senators Taper and Lo run for SGA president and vice president

Senators Taper and Lo run for SGA president and vice president
Candidates Taper and Lo hope to empower students’ presence on campus.
Maria Weyne, News Editor March 15, 2021

Sophomore biological sciences major Zoe Taper and sophomore nursing major Lesanra Lo decided to run for Student Government Association president and senior vice president with the goal to make SGA resources more available to the community.  WHY TAPER AND LO? In their time as senators, Taper and Lo...

Crime Log — March 18 – March 24

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
This week’s crime log features multiple cases of petty theft and one burglary.
Sophia Silvester, Staff Writer March 24, 2020

Petty Theft — Cafe Reported March 18, 3:01 p.m., occurred between March 17, 4 p.m., and March 18, 5:20 a.m. A Biola employee reported university property taken from the cafeteria. The case is active. Burglary — Tennis Courts Reported March 19, 7:40 a.m., occurred between March 12, 9 a.m., and...

Hot water pipe burst causes water outage

Hot water pipe burst causes water outage
Facilities Management estimated the repair will take two to three days.
Micah Kim, Managing Editor February 13, 2020

An underground hot water pipe between Lot K and the creek on University Drive burst this morning, causing a water outage in several of the upper campus residence halls and apartments. Director of the Physical Plant Jerrel Haugen estimated the leak will be fixed in two to three days. Facilities Management...

Crime Log — Jan. 17 – Jan. 27

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
This week’s crime log features one case of marijuana and numerous cases of trespassing, theft and vandalism.
Lacey Patrick, Editor-in-Chief January 28, 2020

Vandalism — Hope Hall Reported Jan. 17, 1:30 p.m. Facilities Management reported graffiti found inside Hope Hall.  Vandalism — Creek Tunnel - La Mirada Boulevard Reported Jan. 19, 4:39 p.m. An officer observed the individuals going into the creek tunnel and saw one of them writing on the...

Crime Log ― Sept. 17 – Sept. 24

Crime Log ― Sept. 17 – Sept. 24
This week’s Crime Log features one threatening phone call, one report of marijuana possession, one case of disturbing the peace and an active case of a stolen bicycle.
Micah Kim, Managing Editor September 24, 2019

Obscene or Threatening Telephone Calls — Alpha Hall Reported Sept. 17, 11:29 a.m.  An individual outside of Biola made a threatening call to a Biola student. Campus Safety worked with the student and banned the individual from campus.  Possession of Marijuana — Sigma Hall  Reported Sept....

Crime Log ― April 9 – April 16

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
This week’s crime log features a series of petty thefts and noise complaints, followed by two drinking trespassers and a hit and run on a student’s vehicle.
Micah Kim, Managing Editor April 17, 2019

Petty Theft — Production Center Reported April 9, 2:56 p.m., occurred between April 5, 12 a.m. and April 8, 12 a.m. A student reported their locked bike stolen from the bike racks outside of the Production Center. The lock was removed by detaching one of the wheels from the bike. The investigation...

Senate considers past and new proposals

Senate considers past and new proposals
Senators revisit a tabled proposal from last week in addition to three new proposals.
Isabelle Thompson, Business Manager February 22, 2019

This week, senators focused their attention on a proposal for adding coordinator and controller positions to the Student Government Association staff, providing students with academic planners as well as boosting athletic spirit. SGA president Sierra McCoy also laid out further plans for the SGA remodel....

Crime Log — Nov. 27 – Dec. 4

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
This week’s crime log features a minor case of battery as well as vandalism and trespassing.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief December 4, 2018

Vandalism — Bookstore Restrooms Reported Nov. 27, 1:33 p.m., occurred prior to 1:33 p.m. An officer reported writing in black marker in the restrooms near the bookstore. Campus Safety contacted Facilities Management and requested the area to be cleaned. Campus Safety is continuing the investigation,...

Crime Log — Nov. 13 – Nov. 27

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
This week’s crime log features a possession of a firearm, as well as multiple trespassing and vandalism incidents.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief November 27, 2018

Trespassing — Tradewinds Apartments Reported Nov. 19, 2:38 p.m. A resident reported an individual digging through the trash cans behind the apartments. Officers made contact with the individual and asked them to leave the area. The individual left without further incident. Trespassing — University...