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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Hispanic Conference helps pastors impact communities

Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 16, 2018

Carlos Zuniga woke up at 4 a.m. 30 minutes later, he had begun the four-hour drive from Porterville to La Mirada—a trip he plans to make again next year with some members of his church, Iglesia del Nazareno. But Zuniga did not mind the drive. He wanted to learn more about the Holy Spirit from a man...

SGA passes four proposals

The new SGA logo
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 15, 2018

The Student Government Association voted on proposals from last week and also proposed and passed a constitutional amendment. Additionally, Horton senator Lauren Sutter shared about a new student-run resource fair next semester which will provide new students with information about various offerings...

Crime Log ― April 2 – April 10

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
Jana Eller, Office Manager April 14, 2018

FURNISHING ALCOHOL TO A MINOR — LOT G Reported April 2, 1:44 a.m. A Campus Safety officer observed a student giving alcohol to an underage student. The officer made contact and referred the case to Student Development. TRESPASSING — BEACHCOMBER APARTMENTS Reported April 3, 1:30 a.m. A Campus...

Beyond the Bubble: Facebook data leaked

A photoillustration of a student popping a bubble.
Data mining company gained personal information of estimated 87 million people.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 11, 2018

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made his appearance before members of Congress to explain his company’s connection with a recent data leak that allowed a profiling firm to gain the personal information of up to 87 million people. ZUCKERBERG DEFENDS FACEBOOK FROM POLITICAL BACKLASH The firm, Cambridge...

Art department gets recommended for Bardwell

Bardwell Hall
Art majors may have significantly more space to improve their craft in new facility.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 11, 2018

Sophomore studio arts major Hannah McLaughlin was in her typography class when a flood of art students rushed into the Mac lab, each of them vying for the use of one of the precious computers. So many students had come in that her professor had to ask them to give priority to those taking the class. Art...

Alumni question fairness of Title IX process

Dawn White holding an "it's on us" sticker
Campus community discusses importance of equity when handling sexual assault cases.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 11, 2018

THIS STORY IS PART TWO OF A THREE-PART SERIES ABOUT TITLE IX AT BIOLA. READ PART ONE OF THE SERIES HERE. Thinking back to when two students she knew found themselves on opposite sides of a Title IX investigation of sexual assault, 2016 alumna Rachel Alfaro believes the process has a problem of inconsistency....

Faculty discuss divide between conservative and liberal ideology

Associate professor of political science Darren Guerra, communication studies chair Joy Qualls, professor of communication studies Timothy Muehlhoff and professor of biblical and theological studies Richard Langer
The first of the Duologues helps students understand how to disagree well.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 10, 2018

Over 20 years ago, two undergraduates at Vanguard University watched as a pair of their professors disagreed over issues in front of a small group of students. On Monday evening, those undergraduates, now associate professor of political science Darren Guerra and communication studies chair Joy Qualls,...

Senators take field trip to Campus Safety

The new SGA logo
Rebecca Mitchell, Managing Editor April 10, 2018

The Student Government Association discussed the university master planand their President’s Administrative Council partnerships, had a Campus Safety visit, four internal proposals, two open proposals and voted. SGA president Gregory Ambrose began the meeting by having senators look at the...

New office prepares Sexual Assault Awareness month

Dawn White
Title IX coordinators face an important task as Biola participates in a national initiative.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 10, 2018

As the #MeToo and It’s On Us movements give momentum to educational efforts, Biola will commemorate Sexual Assault Awareness month through its new Title IX office starting on April 9. NEW YEAR, NEW OFFICE While the university has previously held the initiative, this instance will see the...

SGA launches rebrand

The new SGA logo
Slogan changes to align more closely with Biola branding campaign.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 10, 2018

An olive branch replaced the pair of wings as the Student Government Association logo after the organization launched their new brand on Wednesday. “WORKING WITH YOU, FOR YOU” SGA displayed its new brand after the All-Community Chapel and served coffee in mugs bearing the new logo. SGA’s...

Friend group defends character of student arrested for gun possession

A timeline of Jason Roberts' arrest
Group discusses Jason Roberts’ intent and call on community for more understanding.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 4, 2018

The guns were supposed to remain in his dorm for an hour before the group left for their annual weekend trip, according to his friend Russell Vick, senior biblical studies major. Now, senior business administration major Jason Roberts faces multiple felony charges for the possession of an AR-15 and...

Pastor urges unity on 50th anniversary of MLK’s death

Chris Brooks
Chris Brooks gives rousing service dedicated to remembering MLK and racial reconciliation.
John Kay, Freelance Writer April 4, 2018

In honor of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s death, Evangel Ministries pastor Chris Brooks’ opening remarks on how to change a nation set the tone for the university’s last Community Chapel of the semester. KING AND THE TRUTH IN A DIVIDED NATION “We don’t live to be...