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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Senators finish off semester with voting

The new SGA logo
Rebecca Mitchell, Managing Editor April 28, 2018

In the last senate meeting of the semester, the Student Government Association discussed upcoming conferences with the American Student Government Association as well as a student fee audit and a proposal, and voted. SGA senior vice president Ella Corey shared how next year’s SGA vice president...

Design class installs swings

"Let the people swing" sign
Repurposing a mural, art students hope to give others rest in the midst of exams.
Jana Eller, Office Manager April 26, 2018

As many students’ stress levels increase in the wake of finals, they can now take a study break on a set of swings in south campus due to design students’ new installation, “Let the People Swing.” “It’s really joyful and it reminds you of childhood,” said Sarah Scholl, senior education...

Link between alcohol and sexual assault needs examination, departments say

Photoillustration of a woman walking toward the Campus Safety office
Staff believe education about drinking remains important even on a dry campus.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 25, 2018

THIS STORY IS PART THREE OF A THREE-PART SERIES ABOUT TITLE IX AT BIOLA. READ PART ONE OF THE SERIES HERE AND PART TWO HERE. When alumnus Max Christensen took a sip of wine at home during his first year at Biola, he did not know he was breaking contract—or even that there was a contract to break....

Beyond the Bubble: Van driver deliberately kills pedestrians on sidewalk in Toronto

A photoillustration of a student popping a bubble.
Canadian Biolans respond to the devastating news in their home country.
Megan Josep, Design Editor April 25, 2018

A white van drove into the sidewalk in Toronto, Canada, killing 10 people and injuring 15 on Monday. Toronto authorities believe it was a deliberate act of violence and not a national security issue, but have yet to determine the motive, according to WTOL. Authorities have charged the suspect, 25-year-old...

Faculty and students get the IDEA about professor evaluations

A student completing the IDEA evaluations
Students and staff share how the assessment produces educational change and personal effect.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 24, 2018

Though finals week approaches, students too can provide their professors with feedback in the form of the Individual Development and Educational Assessment. PRODUCING IDEAS IDEA evaluations hold great importance for faculty, according to associate provost for faculty advancement Shelly Cunningham....

New senators welcomed

The new SGA logo
Rebecca Mitchell, Managing Editor April 24, 2018

The Student Government Association focused on preparing new senators, a proposal and the budget. The meeting started off with senators watching the last “senate boys” video that recapped previous proposals for students to share their opinion on. Senators also spent time brainstorming ways they...

Facilities management rolls up their sleeves

Calvary Chapel interior
Over the summer, facilities management will work on several projects in and around Calvary Chapel.
Rebecca Mitchell, Managing Editor April 23, 2018

While the semester wraps up for students, facilities management will soon begin working on many projects that will continue throughout the summer. The projects range from Calvary Chapel renovations to restoring Sigma Hall to a live video feed connection between Sutherland Hall and Calvary Chapel....

Library packed with presenters

Celebration of Scholarship and Research room
The Celebration of Scholarship & Research helped students, faculty, staff and alumni share their research and learn from others.
Rebecca Mitchell, Managing Editor April 19, 2018

Over 50 presentation boards filled the library Reading Room and Giumarra Courtyard on Wednesday for the Celebration of Scholarship & Research. With the large number of presenters, the Celebration of Scholarship & Research Committee held two sections for the event, with a panel in the middle...

GSPD director leaves after five years of service

Stephanie Calley
Students share ways Stephanie Calley has impacted their time in GSPD.
Rebecca Mitchell, Managing Editor April 18, 2018

“Steph is such a gracious leader that understands that we’re all on this journey,” said Adeline Ting, Global Students Programming & Developmentadministrative assistant and alumna. Stephanie Calley, director of GSPD, is leaving her role of five years with a legacy of praise from GSPD students. “She...

New catalog focuses liberal arts by lowering some requirements

An ENGL 113 class
2018-19 catalog decreases foreign language and PE requisites and moves English class.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 18, 2018

Faculty. Support staff. The Office of the Provost. Vice presidents. Student Government Association. Over 1,000 people in total have had involvement in a campus-wide effort to revamp the core curriculum and form a stronger educational foundation, according to assistant professor of English and interim...

Christian Clubbing: Making the BEST of both environmental worlds

The Biola Environmental Stewardship Team table
With Earth Day approaching, the environmental club raises awareness of ocean problems.
Rebecca Mitchell, Managing Editor April 18, 2018

Granola Girls. Tree Huggers. Biola Environmental Stewardship Team. The environmental club on campus has evolved to many forms, and on Tuesday they were outside the Caf to raise awareness about problems in the ocean. At the table, several club members shared about coral bleaching, ocean pollution,...

Hispanic Conference helps pastors impact communities

Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 16, 2018

Carlos Zuniga woke up at 4 a.m. 30 minutes later, he had begun the four-hour drive from Porterville to La Mirada—a trip he plans to make again next year with some members of his church, Iglesia del Nazareno. But Zuniga did not mind the drive. He wanted to learn more about the Holy Spirit from a man...