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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Barna Group political survey reveals Evangelical tendencies

Survey shows which candidates and what issues Christians support.
March 9, 2011
Survey shows which candidates and what issues Christians support.

Biola Missions Conference 2011 to set students “ablaze”

Michelle Welke and Rebekah Pearce, Missions Conference co-directors, have chosen the theme of "Set Us Ablaze" for Biola's 82nd Missions Conference. | Katie Juranek/THE CHIMES
This year's Missions Conference staff plans to set the student body ablaze with the Great Commission.
March 9, 2011
This year's Missions Conference staff plans to set the student body ablaze with the Great Commission.

Study reveals students busy texting in class

A survey conducted by University of New Hampshire has discovered 80 percent of students text at least once in every class. Biola students agree that this trend is very much a part of their class-going rituals. | Photo Illustration by Job Ang
A recent study reveals that college students are paying attention to their phones in class.
Kayle Fields, Writer March 9, 2011
A recent study reveals that college students are paying attention to their phones in class.

Filmmaker Scott Derrickson speaks on suffering

Scott Derrickson, director of "The Exorcism of Emily Rose," visited Biola on Friday, March 4 to speak at chapel. | Job Ang/THE CHIMES
Scott Derrickson, Christian filmmaker and Biola alum, shares in chapel on the topic of suffering, reminding students that God suffered too.
Tonika Reed, Writer March 8, 2011
Scott Derrickson, Christian filmmaker and Biola alum, shares in chapel on the topic of suffering, reminding students that God suffered too.

Rumors of Justin Bieber attending Biola nullified [updated]

Justin Bieber, teen music phenomenon recently released a movie about his life. Many students had hoped Bieber would attend Biola University. | Photo courtesy of
Rumors of Justin Bieber coming to Biola have been denied by officials, who say he has not applied.
Emily Arnold, Writer March 8, 2011
Rumors of Justin Bieber coming to Biola have been denied by officials, who say he has not applied.

SCORR encourages students to embrace diversity

Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation Conference urges students to accept beauty in diversity.
March 3, 2011
Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation Conference urges students to accept beauty in diversity.

Biola brings Starbucks to campus

The campus coffee cart that serves outside of Sutherland Auditorium has switched their brew to Starbucks. Four different coffees are now sold on campus, including Seattle’s Best, Pura Vida and Halo Brand. |Katie Juranek/THE CHIMES
The coffee cart on campus transitioned from Seattle's Best to Starbucks.
Kayle Fields, Writer March 2, 2011
The coffee cart on campus transitioned from Seattle's Best to Starbucks.

Senate rundown: senators approach many proposals

Biola's AS senators were presented with many proposals March 1, that they now need to consider for voting.
Sarah Seman, Writer March 2, 2011
Biola's AS senators were presented with many proposals March 1, that they now need to consider for voting.

BBC interviews Biola University Torrey Honors Institute students

A BBC radio show came to Biola Monday to elicit the reactions of college students to the monarchy.
March 2, 2011
A BBC radio show came to Biola Monday to elicit the reactions of college students to the monarchy.

Obama’s 2012 budget includes changes for education

A look at how President Obama's proposed 2012 national budget will impact undergraduate college education.
Matthew Okada, Writer March 2, 2011
A look at how President Obama's proposed 2012 national budget will impact undergraduate college education.

Biola University launches The Good Book blog

Biola University launches The Good Book blog
Professors from Biola’s Talbot School of Theology are now blogging.
Alyssa Alvarez, Writer March 1, 2011
Professors from Biola’s Talbot School of Theology are now blogging.

La Mirada Council Candidate’s Forum convenes at Biola

Biola hosted a City Council Candidate's Forum for La Mirada city council candidates and members of the community on Feb. 24, in preparation for the March 8 election.
Alyson Luthi, Writer February 25, 2011
Biola hosted a City Council Candidate's Forum for La Mirada city council candidates and members of the community on Feb. 24, in preparation for the March 8 election.