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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Student electoral candidates share visions for upcoming year

Electoral candidates share their vision to help students live out Biola's mission in the upcoming academic year.
Sarah Seman, Writer March 23, 2011
Electoral candidates share their vision to help students live out Biola's mission in the upcoming academic year.

Biola enrollment numbers fluctuate

Despite some drops in enrollment numbers, Biola remains a growing university.
Michelle Hong, Writer March 23, 2011
Despite some drops in enrollment numbers, Biola remains a growing university.

Missions Conference leaves impact on Biolans

Missions Conference 2011 ends with Biolans repenting of sexual sins and recommitting themselves to God.
Alison Bognuda, Writer March 23, 2011
Missions Conference 2011 ends with Biolans repenting of sexual sins and recommitting themselves to God.

Student enter designs, compete in bookstore T-shirt contest

Voting for the Biola Bookstore T-shirt design contest ends this month.
Kayle Fields and Kayle Fields March 23, 2011
Voting for the Biola Bookstore T-shirt design contest ends this month.

Online housing makes room selection faster, easier

The housing selection process has moved online, making it easier for students to choose housing for the new academic year.
March 23, 2011
The housing selection process has moved online, making it easier for students to choose housing for the new academic year.

AS and SMU presidential candidates share at election chapel

Maegan Taylor, office manager of SMU and AS, opened the election chapel on Monday. She was followed by speeches by presidential candidates for both AS and the Student Missionary Union in which each individual shared their qualifications and visions for the next academic year. | Job Ang/THE CHIMES
Presidential candidate teams for Associated Students and Student Missionary Union present their vision for 2011-2012 at the election chapel Monday.
Sarah Seman, Writer March 21, 2011
Presidential candidate teams for Associated Students and Student Missionary Union present their vision for 2011-2012 at the election chapel Monday.

“Set us ablaze:” Missions Conference 2011

The City Harmonic leads Biola in worship during Session 4 of Missions Conference on March 17, 2011. | Adam Lorona/THE CHIMES
Throughout Biola's 82nd Missions Conference, we'll be updating the site with blogs and photos, which you can find here.
March 16, 2011
Throughout Biola's 82nd Missions Conference, we'll be updating the site with blogs and photos, which you can find here.

Associated Students changes look to next year

Associated Students is undergoing structural changes, resulting in a new MarCom position and a redistribution of senators.
Sarah Seman, Writer March 15, 2011
Associated Students is undergoing structural changes, resulting in a new MarCom position and a redistribution of senators.

Biola negotiates for new property near campus

Negotiations are underway for Biola to obtain additional property less than a mile from campus.
March 15, 2011
Negotiations are underway for Biola to obtain additional property less than a mile from campus.

Summer renovations planned for Sigma Chi

Renovations are planned this summer for Sigma Chi as a response to resident needs.
March 15, 2011
Renovations are planned this summer for Sigma Chi as a response to resident needs.

Stepping outside the “Biola Bubble”

Stepping outside the “Biola Bubble”
Luke Payton and Jordan McGrath discuss the necessity for Biolans to be globally minded in light of the recent uprisings in Egypt and Lybia.
Amber Amaya, Writer March 11, 2011
Luke Payton and Jordan McGrath discuss the necessity for Biolans to be globally minded in light of the recent uprisings in Egypt and Lybia.

Quake and tsunami devastate Japan, have ripple effects on North America

An 8.9-magnitude quake struck Japan at 2:46 p.m. local time, covering homes and roads in 33-foot waves. Tsunami watches have been issued for the North American West Coast, and Hawaii has already seen seven and eight-foot waves.
Kathryn Watson, Writer March 11, 2011
An 8.9-magnitude quake struck Japan at 2:46 p.m. local time, covering homes and roads in 33-foot waves. Tsunami watches have been issued for the North American West Coast, and Hawaii has already seen seven and eight-foot waves.