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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

SGA Rundown: Students request funds from senate

SGA Rundown: Students request funds from senate
Senators discuss supporting commuters.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief September 8, 2022

Rick Langer, director of the Office of Integration of Faith and Learning, discussed a free program called Bridging the Gap, where students from Pomona College will interact with Biolans as students from both schools ask hard questions and discuss controversial topics. Langer explained students from Pomona...

SGA Rundown: Senate passes two proposals in full

SGA Rundown: Senate passes two proposals in full
Senators voted on proposals to appreciate student leaders and advertise the Biola Shares basic needs survey.
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor March 24, 2022

During this week’s senate meeting, the Student Government Association voted on two proposals, passing both in full. After hearing from senior psychology major and peer wellness ambassador Kate Fitzpatrick, senators voted on the external proposal, requesting $2,000 to host a student leader appreciation...

SGA Rundown: Senators discuss repairing pool tables and increasing the student fee

SGA Rundown: Senators discuss repairing pool tables and increasing the student fee
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor February 10, 2022

This week, the Student Government Association heard student representatives from the Black Student Association and voted on proposals to fund repairs to damaged pool tables in the Student Union Building, as well as increase the student fee.  BLACK STUDENT ASSOCIATION Commencing the meeting in celebration...

Russian troop buildup sparks concern of invasion

Russian troop buildup sparks concern of invasion
Supreme Court hears arguments on abortion case and Senator Robert Dole dies.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief December 6, 2021

Between 95,000 and 100,000 Russian troops have amassed on the border between Russia and Ukraine, leading to warnings from the Biden administration that the Russian military may be planning to invade Ukraine as soon as 2022. United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. plans to react...

SGA Rundown: Cybersecurity tips and Christmas cheer

The new SGA logo
Senators deliberate Boba Bake and discuss artwork controversy.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief December 2, 2021

Updated Dec. 3 at 4 p.m.  Director of Information Security Anthony Valentino shared his team’s efforts to protect student data with the Senate on Thursday. He explained that hackers target universities because of the wealth of student information available. Valentino said that Biola’s Information...

SGA Rundown: Open proposals

SGA Rundown: Open proposals
Students request funds from SGA.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief November 18, 2021

Students asked SGA to fund a variety of proposals. This week, senators listened to several presentations and considered how much money to allocate. WOVEN CONFERENCE Students asked Senate to fund Woven, a spring leadership conference at Biola designed to help women weave their working lives and Great...

SGA Rundown: Mental health and holiday events

SGA Rundown: Mental health and holiday events
Senators talk first-generation student support and Christmas plans.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief November 11, 2021

Senators discussed FirstGen Week and continued planning for a Christmas event. This week, Chief of Campus Safety John Ojeisekhoba gave a presentation to the senators about campus safety and emergency preparedness.  SAFETY AND MENTAL HEALTH Ojeisekhoba detailed the steps he and Campus Safety take to...

SGA Rundown: Christmas activities and student wellness

SGA Rundown: Christmas activities and student wellness
Senators discuss involvement opportunities and student support.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief November 4, 2021

The Student Government Association discussed student wellness and resilience throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This week, senators planned Christmas activities to engage students during the holiday season. RESOURCES FOR STUDENT WELLNESS Dean of Student Wellness Lisa Igram gave a presentation on the...

SGA Rundown: Senators gear up for the holidays

SGA Rundown: Senators gear up for the holidays
Senators discuss Christmas events and hear from President Corey.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief October 28, 2021

The Student Government Association discussed how to engage the student body through campus holiday activities. This week, senators considered Christmas events to give students the chance to relax as well as serve. HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES  Senators discussed the return of Biola’s Christmas tree lighting...

SGA Rundown: Campus events and diversity training

SGA Rundown: Campus events and diversity training
Senators discuss involvement opportunities and support on campus.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief October 14, 2021

The Student Government Association discussed holding campus events and encouraging involvement in student government. This week, senators considered how to engage students through university-wide events. OPPORTUNITIES FOR INCLUSIVITY Senators floated the idea of a Mr. Biola pageant and suggested inviting...

SGA Rundown: Senators discuss goals for the fall semester

SGA Rundown: Senators discuss goals for the fall semester
In the first senate meeting of the semester, SGA outlines plans for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor September 3, 2021

During the Student Government Association’s first meeting of the year, senators discussed the annual budget, responsibilities and potential student activities. With no senators representing Alpha and Stewart, SGA has empty seats in the senate room to begin the semester.  CONNECTING TO STUDENTS  Looking...

Equality Act and LGBTQ rights may defund Christian universities

Equality Act and LGBTQ rights may defund Christian universities
Transgender rights are debated as the Senate reviews the Equality Act.
Natalie Willis, Editor-in-Chief March 12, 2021

On March 3, the United States Senate received the Equality Act, a bill that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in public accommodations and facilities, education, federal funding, employment, housing, credit, and the jury system. The act seeks to expand upon the...