The iPads have come

SGA hears from advancement about Giving Tuesday and receives their iPads.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer
• September 30, 2016
Official proposal for MEPD funding causes concern

Though senators previously discussed giving $10,000 of contingency to MEPD next year, senators decide not to hold a same day vote.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer
• May 10, 2016
Campaign reaches 94 percent of goal
![Becky Mitchell/THE CHIMES [file]](
As the Biola campaign nears the end, administration considers fundraising a success.
Jana Eller, Office Manager
• April 26, 2016
Admissions see rise in applicants

With a rise in scholarships, applicants climbed 15 percent compared to last year.
Alondra Urizar, Writer
• April 20, 2016
Student government does not need iPads

They may make voting more efficient, but SGA should focus on Biolans’ other needs.
Kristen M. Smith, Writer
• March 23, 2016
Seven proposals passed

The senate passed one constitutional amendment, one internal proposal and five student initiatives.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer
• March 7, 2016
Proposals amount to $20,339.77

Two internal proposals and four student initiatives were brought before the SGA senate.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer
• February 29, 2016
Biola embarks on national tour

With significant strides already made, The Campaign for Biola University hits the road in order to raise the last of the $180 million goal.
Madison Miller, Writer
• October 28, 2015
Fundraising event revealed to senate

Members of Biola’s marketing and advancement departments share details regarding an event for The Campaign for Biola University.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer
• October 27, 2015
Event proposals pass

Senators pass three proposals and gain more information about the Enterprise CarShare program and changes in enrollment.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer
• October 11, 2015
Changes planned for financial aid

Scholarships and FAFSA undergo restructuring for the next two years in an attempt to benefit students.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer
• October 6, 2015
Comforts create student burdens

The cost of higher education does not stem from a lack of funding, but rather the trend of treating education as a commodity.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer
• September 29, 2015
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It was lively and exciting at the Caf on Feb. 19 as Chef Wars was well underway during the lunch hour. Students tried dishes by executive chefs...