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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Voting takes a dive

With local elections heating up, students remain unscathed by the flames.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer March 7, 2017
With local elections heating up, students remain unscathed by the flames.

Journalism ensures progress and free speech

Eliana Park/THE CHIMES
The press is threatened by Trump administration.
Lucas Weaver, Writer March 1, 2017
The press is threatened by Trump administration.

Symposium remembers Supreme Court Justice

Panel speaks on Scalia’s impacts and character.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief February 22, 2017
Panel speaks on Scalia’s impacts and character.

Court’s ruling upholds core American democracy

The Ninth Circuit depicts the checks and balances system at work.
Tim Seeberger, Writer February 15, 2017
The Ninth Circuit depicts the checks and balances system at work.

Get to know your faculty — Joy Qualls, chair of communication studies

A wide array of experience in many different fields justifies her position.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer November 25, 2016
A wide array of experience in many different fields justifies her position.

Community wakes up to diversity

Caroline Sommers/ THE CHIMES
Administration follows up on the Living Out Kingdom Diversity event.
Daisy Gonzalez, Writer November 16, 2016
Administration follows up on the Living Out Kingdom Diversity event.

Global issues transcend the presidency
Problems like poverty and climate change will exist regardless of winner.
Tim Seeberger, Writer November 1, 2016
Problems like poverty and climate change will exist regardless of winner.

Sexual promiscuity complicates election

Infographic by Cassidy Eldridge/ THE CHIMES
Students speak on sexual assault and the presidential election.
Jessica Goddard, Writer November 1, 2016
Students speak on sexual assault and the presidential election.

Local politics directly affects communities
Voting in local elections can have a significant impact on your city.
Justin Yun, Writer October 26, 2016
Voting in local elections can have a significant impact on your city.

Biolans are disillusioned by presidential election

Students should be involved in politics now more than ever.
Justin Yun, Writer October 26, 2016
Students should be involved in politics now more than ever.

Choosing voting and volunteering

Photo Courtesy of Samantha Miller
Student shares her political campaign volunteering experience in light of voter reluctance.
Jocelyn Meza, Writer October 18, 2016
Student shares her political campaign volunteering experience in light of voter reluctance.

Green Day returns with an outrage anthem
“Revolution Radio” addresses relevant political issues through a familiar filter.
Cassidy Campos, Writer October 10, 2016
“Revolution Radio” addresses relevant political issues through a familiar filter.