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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Candidates lose political civility in debate
Disparaging remarks from each candidate highlight lack of character.
Tim Seeberger, Writer October 5, 2016
Disparaging remarks from each candidate highlight lack of character.

Conference teaches humility

Eliana Park/ THE CHIMES
Twenty speakers discussed the topic of love and humility in politics.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer September 20, 2016
Twenty speakers discussed the topic of love and humility in politics.

Humility: the root of all good

Eliana Park/ THE CHIMES
Biola’s annual conference supports political conversation instead of voting apathy.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer September 20, 2016
Biola’s annual conference supports political conversation instead of voting apathy.

Senators prepare for an engaging year

SGA Logo
SGA discusses an upcoming CCT conference and the need for an awareness of stereotyping.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer September 3, 2016
SGA discusses an upcoming CCT conference and the need for an awareness of stereotyping.

Hope in the election season

Courtesy of Hailey Braun
As the presidential election draws closer, students and faculty underline the importance of voting.
Kaelyn Timmins, Writer May 17, 2016
As the presidential election draws closer, students and faculty underline the importance of voting.

GOP loyalists marked by empty fanaticism
Republicans must not vote based solely on party lines, but on personal principle.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer May 10, 2016
Republicans must not vote based solely on party lines, but on personal principle.

One person, one vote decision upholds equality
Supreme Court decisions allow undocumented citizens, illegal immigrants and children in district-line drawing process for equal representation.
Tim Seeberger, Writer April 26, 2016
Supreme Court decisions allow undocumented citizens, illegal immigrants and children in district-line drawing process for equal representation.

Minimum wage hurts more than just economies

Infographic by Tony Flores/THE CHIMES
Seattle and Puerto Rico warn us to not follow in their footsteps of a $15 minimum wage.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer April 26, 2016
Seattle and Puerto Rico warn us to not follow in their footsteps of a $15 minimum wage.

Students apathetic towards voting

Tony Flores/THE CHIMES
A large percent of students feel either unsure or unwilling to vote in the 2016 presidential election.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer April 13, 2016
A large percent of students feel either unsure or unwilling to vote in the 2016 presidential election.

Do more than accept refugees, provide for them
America must bring the debate to a practical level and do what they can to help.
Kristen M. Smith, Writer April 12, 2016
America must bring the debate to a practical level and do what they can to help.

Undemocratic processes taint a democratic nation

Superdelegates fail to preserve true democracy in the presidential elections.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer April 12, 2016
Superdelegates fail to preserve true democracy in the presidential elections.

Penny production does not make cents

Photo Illustration by Tomber Su/THE CHIMES
Continued circulation of the penny represents government inefficiency.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer April 5, 2016
Continued circulation of the penny represents government inefficiency.