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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

America welcomes European influence
Alumnus Zurich Lewis argues our political debate mirrors Europe’s now more than ever.
Zurich Lewis, Writer March 22, 2016
Alumnus Zurich Lewis argues our political debate mirrors Europe’s now more than ever.

Take a look at Ted Cruz
He may speak harshly, but he deserves the conservative vote.
Ashley Evaro, Writer March 22, 2016
He may speak harshly, but he deserves the conservative vote.

Political underdog challenges greed
Green Party candidate Jill Stein provides fresh perspectives on current issues.
Justin Yun, Writer March 15, 2016
Green Party candidate Jill Stein provides fresh perspectives on current issues.

Presidential race creates spectator democracy
Disengagement in politics robs citizens of democracy.
Justin Yun, Writer March 8, 2016
Disengagement in politics robs citizens of democracy.

Love no matter what

Tomber Su/THE CHIMES [file photo]
We must take action in loving our “enemies” rather than simply talking about reconciliation.
President Barry Corey, Writer March 8, 2016
We must take action in loving our “enemies” rather than simply talking about reconciliation.

U.S. immigration policies kill thousands

Photo courtesy of the Department of Defence
Border militarization forces undocumented immigrants to trek across dangerous terrain.
Justin Yun, Writer February 23, 2016
Border militarization forces undocumented immigrants to trek across dangerous terrain.

To be or not to be politically correct
Defend the free market of ideas.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer February 23, 2016
Defend the free market of ideas.

Evangelicals must not fear politics

Katie Evensen/THE CHIMES
Despite the common idea that the government should not legislate morality, Christians have a duty to political engagement.
Lewis Waha, Writer February 17, 2016
Despite the common idea that the government should not legislate morality, Christians have a duty to political engagement.

The party’s over
The Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire primary indicate the gap between the political parties and their voters.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer February 16, 2016
The Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire primary indicate the gap between the political parties and their voters.

Voting matters

Tomber Su/THE CHIMES [file photo]
Biolans have a duty to vote for their student leaders as well as their state and national ones.
President Barry Corey, Writer February 10, 2016
Biolans have a duty to vote for their student leaders as well as their state and national ones.

Art Goghs with everything

Marika Adamopoulos/THE CHIMES
Although many see the study of art as impractical, it actually teaches about a variety of subjects.
Adrianna Coe, Writer December 8, 2015
Although many see the study of art as impractical, it actually teaches about a variety of subjects.

U.S. wages war against ideas

Illustration by Trevor Lunde/THE CHIMES
Americans block unwanted ideas rather than discussing them.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer December 1, 2015
Americans block unwanted ideas rather than discussing them.