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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Solving the gun debate means understanding the other side

Solving the gun debate means understanding the other side
The gun control debate reaches its limits with the current rhetoric.
Eric Nimmo, Freelance Writer March 27, 2018

The gun debate rhetoric seems to have caused humanity to think the worst of each other. It should not be like this. When discussing tragic and heavy topics—such as how to respond to a tragedy like the Parkland shooting—charity should be always present in viewing our political opponents position....

DACA—Immigration policy limits political solutions

DACA—Immigration policy limits political solutions
International policy should affect immigration policy.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor February 13, 2018

On Feb. 7, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi set the record for the longest house floor speech since at least 1909, speaking on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients. While the immigration debate began during the last presidential election, the question of what to do with illegal immigrants...

Faculty to teach healthy disagreement through public discourse

Professor of biblical and theological studies Richard Langer stressed the importance of understanding one another during chapel on Feb. 7.
During a time of polarizing debates, new program seeks to promote mutual understanding.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief February 12, 2018

Administration launched a new semesterly program in which two faculty members will have a public discussion regarding contentious issues to help students learn to disagree well, with the first discussion scheduled for April 9. TALKING IT OUT President Barry Corey, along with professor of communication...

Trump supports March for Life

Trump supports March for Life
“The most pro-life President in American history” encroaches on right to liberty.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor February 6, 2018

According to Fox News, on Friday Jan. 19, President Donald Trump gave a speech at the Rose Garden, which was live-streamed to those at the March for Life at the National Mall. PRO-LIFE PRESIDENT “The first-ever live speech by a president to the pro-life activists of the annual March for Life...

Listen up

A propositional cure for angry politics.
Makenna Gilbert, Writer October 17, 2017
A propositional cure for angry politics.

Christians should stand for the flag

Caitlin Gaines/THE CHIMES
The acceptance of culture includes our own.
Eric Nimmo, Writer October 5, 2017
The acceptance of culture includes our own.

Opinions should reflect willingness to understand

Students should not be afraid to have opinions in a time of growing polarization.
Justin Yun, Writer May 17, 2017
Students should not be afraid to have opinions in a time of growing polarization.

Majority leader visits millennials

Majority leader visits millennials.
Daisy Gonzalez, Writer May 16, 2017
Majority leader visits millennials.

Polarized politics stifle free speech
Students can learn the value of free speech from its condemnation at Berkeley earlier this year.
Lucas Weaver, Writer May 9, 2017
Students can learn the value of free speech from its condemnation at Berkeley earlier this year.

Gorsuch brings new blood to Supreme Court
Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court will likely influence Christian community.
Lucas Weaver, Writer April 26, 2017
Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court will likely influence Christian community.

Ambrose Corey takes SGA election with 55.2 percent

After a close race, Ambrose Corey wins the presidential and vice presidential race.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer March 9, 2017
After a close race, Ambrose Corey wins the presidential and vice presidential race.

That Time I… was thrown into conservative chaos

Courtesy of Brooke Carlucci
In attending CPAC, I never thought I would see so many contrasting views on conservatism.
Brooke Carlucci, Writer March 8, 2017
In attending CPAC, I never thought I would see so many contrasting views on conservatism.