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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

SGA Rundown: Campus events and diversity training

SGA Rundown: Campus events and diversity training
Senators discuss involvement opportunities and support on campus.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief October 14, 2021

The Student Government Association discussed holding campus events and encouraging involvement in student government. This week, senators considered how to engage students through university-wide events. OPPORTUNITIES FOR INCLUSIVITY Senators floated the idea of a Mr. Biola pageant and suggested inviting...

Students grow in faith through church and chapel

Corporate worship fosters community.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief October 13, 2021

Bells in the tower at the heart of campus continue to chime, calling Biolans to worship. However, instead of meeting in the parking lot, students will be congregating in Sutherland Auditorium starting Oct. 18. Although COVID-19 restrictions altered what chapel looks like, the purpose remains the same—to...

New COVID restrictions are met by debate and free football tickets

New COVID restrictions are met by debate and free football tickets
The city council voted in favor of proof of vaccination for entry into Los Angeles social settings.
David Alexander and Julianne Foster October 12, 2021

On Oct. 6, the Los Angeles City Council voted in favor of vaccine mandates that require residents to show proof of vaccination before entering restaurants, bars, museums, spas and other social settings. According to the Associated Press, proof of full vaccination will be required starting Nov. 4. According...

Oil pipeline leak harms wetlands and businesses

Oil pipeline leak harms wetlands and businesses
Spill affects Orange County ecology and economy.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief October 11, 2021

On Oct. 1, a leak that spilled between 25,000 and 100,000 gallons of heavy crude oil from an offshore oil production pipeline closed Laguna Beach and Dana Point Harbor for five days. The spill occurred roughly five miles from shore due to a pipeline owned by Texas-based Amplify Energy. While the cause...

Ablaze Conference kicks off with a bang

The crowd enjoys worship during the Torrey / Ablaze cross-over session on night two.
The Jesus People Movement join Torrey Conference on Metzger Lawn.
Julianne Foster and Caleb Jonker October 8, 2021

On Oct. 7, Biolans and attendees from across the country attended the fourth Torrey Conference session in combination with the first Ablaze Conference session.  The Ablaze Conference is hosted by the Center for the Study of the Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit and the Wheaton College Billy Graham...

2021 Torrey Conference: Glory to Glory

The 86th annual Torrey Bible Conference begins early Wednesday morning.
The 86th annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference commences.

DAY ONE, SESSION 1 The rain sprinkled down this morning as students stood in line for the first in-person Torrey Conference since 2019. Wet seats and small mosquitoes awaited students on Metzger Lawn. Regardless of the damp weather and busy insects, Biolans shuffled to their seats in anticipation for...

Crime Log — Sept. 21 – Oct. 5

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
This crime log includes cases of vandalism, several hit and runs and extortion.
Andi Basista, News Editor October 5, 2021

Vandalism — Lot B Reported Sept. 22 at 10:30 a.m., occurred prior. A driver reported that someone keyed their car on Wednesday morning. The student brought up the incident with Campus Safety and the case is still active. Hit and Run: Property Damage — Lot G Reported Sept. 26 at 10:44 a.m. On...

Reproductive rights take center stage at Women’s March

Reproductive rights take center stage at Women's March
Activists take to the street in protest of Texas abortion law.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor October 4, 2021

On Oct. 2, thousands flooded the streets of Los Angeles in defense of reproductive rights during the Women’s March. Across the nation, roughly 600 demonstrations took place to protest the Texas abortion law allowed by the Supreme Court.  LOS ANGELES PROTEST As activists and protesters took to the...

Chimes News Quiz

Chimes News Quiz
Have you been following our coverage? Brush up on the biggest news stories of the past two weeks.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor October 1, 2021


SGA Rundown: Supporting commuters and Biola community

SGA Rundown: Supporting commuters and Biola community
Senators discuss community events and resources on campus.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief September 30, 2021

The Student Government Association discussed supporting commuters and community events on campus. This week senators considered the possibility of allowing commuter students to fill out an application to secure a parking space.  COMMUTER PARKING PLAN Under this plan, students who travel more than...

News Brief: Nationball is postponed indefinitely

Alpha students come together to play dodgeball at Nationball 2019.
Due to concerns over COVID-19, Biola traditions are scrapped or reimagined.
Julianne Foster September 29, 2021

On Sept. 13, Biola announced the indefinite postponement of Nationball—a university tradition. Initially, the Office of Campus Engagement planned to host Nationball in Chase Gymnasium with a precautionary mask requirement. However, Los Angeles County limited indoor capacities to 1,000 people—forcing...

Torrey Conference and Hiring Expo: adapting and anticipating COVID-19 protocols

Torrey Conference and Hiring Expo: adapting and anticipating COVID-19 protocols
Changing COVID-19 guidelines force employers to plan in advance or make changes on the fly.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor September 28, 2021

Biola’s campus continues to adapt to new COVID-19 guidelines, as the Career Development Center and Spiritual Development teams work to ensure Biola campus events are accessible and safe.  TORREY CONFERENCE MOVES OUTSIDE Assistant Dean of Spiritual Development Mike Ahn said that Torrey Conference...