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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

COVID-19 cases dip in LA County and on campus

COVID-19 cases dip in LA County and on campus
Chapels move outdoors to mitigate COVID-19 cases.
Andi Basista, News Editor September 27, 2021

As of Sept. 24, 61 students tested positive for the coronavirus on Biola’s campus, down four cases from the previous week.  According to the Los Angeles Times, coronavirus rates are on a downward trend as hospitalizations and deaths decrease. On Sept. 25, there were 947 individuals hospitalized...

BREAKING: Power outage on campus

The power outage delayed the start of men’s soccer on Sept. 25.
On Saturday night, a power outage blackened campus for 30 seconds.
Emily Coffey, Managing Editor September 25, 2021

At 7:12 p.m tonight, a campus-wide power outage darkened Biola for 30 seconds. According to Chief of Campus Safety John Ojeisekhoba Sr., a power pole off of campus caused the outage. No students were harmed as a result of the incident, but it did delay the start of the men’s soccer game.   Currently,...

DBC reflects on Biola’s mission in new retrospective

DBC reflects on Biola’s mission in new retrospective
Barry Corey released a Mission Retrospective outlining university commitments.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor September 24, 2021

On Sept. 20, President Barry Corey composed a retrospective, which considers Biola’s founding principles and how the university achieves them. He listed six principles aligning with Biola’s commitment to Christian values. SIX PILLARS Corey detailed six pillars that represent Biola’s commitments...

SGA Rundown: Creating resources for commuters

SGA Rundown: Creating resources for commuters
Senators discuss commuter resources and mental health care on campus.
Andi Basista, News Editor September 23, 2021

The Student Government Association met with an additional senator since their last meeting on Sept. 9, establishing a full staff with the exception of an Alpha Hall senator.  CONNECTING WITH COMMUTERS Senators proposed the designation of parking spaces for commuter students. For students who travel...

Chapel continues in person

Chapel continues in person
As COVID-19 cases rise on campus, students in quarantine do not have access to remote chapels.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor September 22, 2021

On Sept. 20, Biola updated its COVID-19 guidelines, taking effect next week. While many classes prepare to go hybrid or online for three weeks, chapels remain in person. NORMALCY Dean of Spiritual Development Todd Pickett said he believes in the importance of continuing in-person attendance for chapels...

Crime Log ― Sept. 7 – Sept. 21

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
This crime log includes cases of grand theft, petty theft, hit and runs, trespassing, accidental fire and extortion.
Andi Basista, News Editor September 21, 2021

Grand Theft ― Rosecrans Avenue Reported Sept. 7 between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. On Sept. 7, a catalytic converter was stolen from a vehicle that was parked on the street in front of the Block apartments on Rosecrans Avenue. The case remains active and the victim filed a personal claim with the Sheriff's...

Biola increases mitigation efforts after public health evaluation

Biola increases mitigation efforts after public health evaluation
The university implements new social distancing measures.
Andi Basista, News Editor September 20, 2021

On Sept. 17, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health visited Biola’s campus after the COVID-19 outbreak was epidemiologically linked to an outdoor residential hall floor event. The LADPH found no major issues with the campus’ efforts and did not issue any citations. On Sept. 15, there...

Biola dedicates new art building

Biola dedicates new art building
Faculty, staff and students celebrate completion of Bardwell Hall.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor September 17, 2021

On Sept. 17, Biola dedicated the new Bardwell building with a chapel service that celebrated the gifts of God, commemorating Bardwell Hall as a new gift to Biola. The service, titled “Extravagant Gifts,” highlighted the history of the art program and the people who contributed to the development...

Private universities navigate religious vaccination exemptions

Private universities navigate religious vaccination exemptions
Universities implement varying vaccination mandates.
Charlotte McKinley, Freelance Writer September 16, 2021

Christian universities across the United States approached the coronavirus vaccine mandates differently. Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, chose not to mandate the vaccine according to its immunizations page whereas Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, has mandated that all students be vaccinated....

Newsom’s dodge in recall prompts greater vaccination requirements

Newsom’s dodge in recall prompts greater vaccination requirements
As Gov. Gavin Newsom survives historic recall election, plans of vaccine mandates in social settings are in the works.
Andi Basista, News Editor September 15, 2021

Gov. Gavin Newsom escaped from being removed from his position on Tuesday after the recall election fell in his favor.  According to an article by the Los Angeles Times, county-level assessments show that ballots in areas with low vaccination rates showed greater support for the Newsom recall. However,...

Gov. Newsom survives recall

Gov. Newsom survives recall
A majority of Californians voted “no” in the landslide election.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor September 14, 2021

Across California, voters casted their ballots to determine the fate of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s time in office. The majority of California voters said “no” when asked if they wanted to recall Newsom, securing the rest of his term. RECALL PROCESS Aside from Newsom, only one other California governor—Gray...

Contact tracers in L.A. County struggle to reach those infected

Contact tracers in L.A. County struggle to reach those infected
As Biola cases increase, the Health Center turns to contact tracing to mitigate the spread.
Andi Basista, News Editor September 13, 2021

As the global pandemic persists, contact tracers in Los Angeles remain deployed throughout the county to track down those who tested positive. According to the Los Angeles Times, as many as 2,800 contact tracers were dispersed at its peak. COVID FATIGUE Contact tracing follows the trail of an infected...