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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

[Updated] McNally campus loses water

Restrooms on the McNally campus closed Monday due to a cracked water pipe. |Michelle Hong/THE CHIMES
McNally campus has been without water this weekend, with repairs from Monday expected to fix the problem.
Michelle Hong, Writer September 19, 2011
McNally campus has been without water this weekend, with repairs from Monday expected to fix the problem.

Hope wins Nationball 2011

Peter Heald lies on the floor after being hit by a dodge ball at Nationball on September 15, 2011. | Katie Juranek/THE CHIMES
Hope defeats Sigma in the final round of Nationball.
Michelle Hong, Writer September 16, 2011
Hope defeats Sigma in the final round of Nationball.

Maintaining relationships as commuters

Juniors and siblings, Amanda and Joshua Sansonetti and their parents, Kenny and Veronica talk about the experience of commuting from home to Biola. | Ashley Jones/THE CHIMES
Commuters save money by opting out of Biola housing but must make the extra effort to keep up relationships.
Sarah Seman, Writer September 15, 2011
Commuters save money by opting out of Biola housing but must make the extra effort to keep up relationships.

Blood drive gives students an opportunity to serve

Sophomore Ari Watkins gives blood at the blood drive on September 13, 2011. | Katie Juranek/THE CHIMES
The first of four blood drives on campus this year was held on Sept. 14.
Emily Arnold, Writer September 15, 2011
The first of four blood drives on campus this year was held on Sept. 14.

Biolans struggle to balance work and school

Sarah Bermudes logs packages in the Biola Mailroom. Biola has approximately 2,500 on-campus student jobs. | Ashley Jones/THE CHIMES
Campus jobs increase but so do students’ work loads.
Patricia Diaz, Writer September 14, 2011
Campus jobs increase but so do students’ work loads.

AS Senate Rundown: Sept. 13, 2011

Three new proposals involving Chapel Programs and budget increases were presented at the AS senate meeting.
Christine Chan, Writer September 14, 2011
Three new proposals involving Chapel Programs and budget increases were presented at the AS senate meeting.

[Updated] Helicopters circle La Mirada house shooting

[Updated] Helicopters circle La Mirada house shooting
La Mirada Sheriff's Department responds to local house shooting. Campus Safety Chief John Ojeisekhoba confirms no Biola involvement.
Amber Amaya, Writer September 14, 2011
La Mirada Sheriff's Department responds to local house shooting. Campus Safety Chief John Ojeisekhoba confirms no Biola involvement.

Early birds are more likely to receive good grades

According to a study conducted by St. Lawrence University, students who have morning classes tend to earn better grades.
Kristina Nishi, Writer September 13, 2011
According to a study conducted by St. Lawrence University, students who have morning classes tend to earn better grades.

Nationball changed to once-a-year event

The Off-Campus Community students prepare to defend their victory at the upcoming Nationball event.
Michelle Hong, Writer September 13, 2011
The Off-Campus Community students prepare to defend their victory at the upcoming Nationball event.

Cracks on Calvary not a structural issue

Cracks are developing on Calvary Chapel due to preparations for re-painting. They became more visible after a power wash this morning, September 13, 2011. | Ashley Jones/THE CHIMES
Senior director of facilities planning and construction, Ken Bascom explains the cause of the cracks on Calvary.
Amber Amaya, Writer September 13, 2011
Senior director of facilities planning and construction, Ken Bascom explains the cause of the cracks on Calvary.

Biola remembers 9/11 through song and prayer

A cross adorned in lights is seen on stage on during Sunday night's Sinspiration service in memory of the 9/11 attacks. | Job Ang/THE CHIMES
Biola students gathered for a lament service Sunday night, grieving and remembering the 9/11 attacks, 10 years later.
Bethany Miller, Writer September 11, 2011
Biola students gathered for a lament service Sunday night, grieving and remembering the 9/11 attacks, 10 years later.

Housing to launch interactive website

Freshman Daniel DiRisio stands in his tripled dorm room in Emerson Hall. The influx of freshmen this year has increased the number triples on campus. | Tyler Otte/THE CHIMES
As enrollment numbers increase, housing tries to alleviate students’ stress.
Sarah Seman, Writer September 9, 2011
As enrollment numbers increase, housing tries to alleviate students’ stress.