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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Educating through the Internet

Online classes let teachers reach more students but they lack the community of traditional learning.
George Garcia, Writer September 9, 2011
Online classes let teachers reach more students but they lack the community of traditional learning.

Renovation and relocation plans to proceed

Biola recently bought the Rancho elementary school location in order to accommodate Biola staff. | Katie Juranek/THE CHIMES
The addition of Rancho Elementary School will allow more space for students, teachers and staff.
Michelle Hong, Writer September 7, 2011
The addition of Rancho Elementary School will allow more space for students, teachers and staff.

Clubs Fair to display new look, new clubs

The Clubs Fair will represent 40 tables of clubs, including those that are ministry-based.
Emily Arnold, Writer September 7, 2011
The Clubs Fair will represent 40 tables of clubs, including those that are ministry-based.

AS Senate Rundown: Sept. 6, 2011

AS senators discuss the possibility of a shuttle service on campus and approve a pending proposal to increase the budget for clubs.
Christine Chan, Writer September 7, 2011
AS senators discuss the possibility of a shuttle service on campus and approve a pending proposal to increase the budget for clubs.

Simple 600 meal program helps students eat healthy

Bon Appétit will launch Simple 600, a meal program with low-calorie options, on Sept. 8.
Brittany Cervantes, Writer September 7, 2011
Bon Appétit will launch Simple 600, a meal program with low-calorie options, on Sept. 8.

Ministry festival provides students opportunities to serve

S.A.Y. Yes! ministry member and senior Blaire Hunt (left) waves to friends at the ministry festival on September 6, 2011. S.A.Y. Yes! is an after school program that invites students to Skid Row to work with homeless and poverty-affected children. | Ashley Jones/THE CHIMES
Numerous ministries set up booths to raise awareness and to motivate students to serve.
Sarah Arias, Writer September 6, 2011
Numerous ministries set up booths to raise awareness and to motivate students to serve.

Power outage to affect Stewart Hall and Hart Hall

Senior facilities worker Nate Hocking places lights in the Hart bathrooms in anticipation of the scheduled  September 3, 2011 Stewart/Hart power outage. | Ashley Jones/THE CHIMES
Stewart Hall and Hart Hall to temporarily lose power on Saturday, Sept. 3 due to construction on the parking structure.
Michelle Hong, Writer September 2, 2011
Stewart Hall and Hart Hall to temporarily lose power on Saturday, Sept. 3 due to construction on the parking structure.

Helping students find a home

The new housing service, Off-Campus Housing 101, aids students in finding housing and roommates.
Sarah Seman, Writer September 1, 2011
The new housing service, Off-Campus Housing 101, aids students in finding housing and roommates.

Safety precautions in light of construction

Construction men are working vigorously to have the structure completed by the anticipated October 1, 2011 date. | Ashley Jones/THE CHIMES
Campus safety chief John Ojeisekhoba discusses safety precautions taken in light of the construction projects.
Patricia Diaz, Writer August 31, 2011
Campus safety chief John Ojeisekhoba discusses safety precautions taken in light of the construction projects.

Building up Biola

The new parking structure is anticipated to be complete on October 1, 2011. | Ashley Jones/THE CHIMES
The completion of the parking garage and Talbot East building will allow more space for the quickly expanding Biola population.
Patricia Diaz, Writer August 31, 2011
The completion of the parking garage and Talbot East building will allow more space for the quickly expanding Biola population.

AS Senate Rundown: Aug. 30, 2011

AS Senate meeting addresses Splash! event, global outreach, position title changes and club funding.
Christine Chan, Writer August 31, 2011
AS Senate meeting addresses Splash! event, global outreach, position title changes and club funding.

Biola’s leading majors remain constant among incoming students

Business administration and psychology have been Biola's leading majors for the past five years.
Michelle Hong, Writer August 31, 2011
Business administration and psychology have been Biola's leading majors for the past five years.