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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Politics Rundown: COVID-19 hospitalizations down, gas prices rise, US-Germany unite amid Russia-Ukraine conflict

Politics Rundown: COVID-19 hospitalizations down, gas prices rise, US-Germany unite amid Russia-Ukraine conflict
Los Angeles County and Orange County release information about gas prices and hospitalization rates.
Julianne Foster February 7, 2022

REDUCED HOSPITALIZATIONS COVID-19 hospitalizations in Los Angeles County are on a downward trend, dropping from 3,233 to 2,841 as of Feb. 7. The L.A. Public Health Department reported 7,017 new cases on Feb. 6. On Thursday, the Los Angeles Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said 82% of eligible...

Power outage leaves Biola in the dark

Power outage leaves Biola in the dark
Across campus buildings lost power, and the cause remains unknown.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor February 6, 2022

This afternoon Biola’s campus lost power for an hour. According to Chief of Campus Safety John Ojeisekhoba, Campus Safety quickly activated a low-level alert across their emergency operation center. Ojeisekhoba reported that the cause of the outage is currently unknown. COMMUNICATION Campus Safety...

Chimes News Quiz!

Chimes News Quiz!
Have you been following our coverage? Brush up on the biggest news stories of the past two weeks.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor February 4, 2022

Bomb threats target HBCUs

Bomb threats target HBCUs
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief February 3, 2022

A series of bomb threats shut down at least 17 historically Black colleges and universities on Feb. 1, the start of Black History Month, forcing them to pause or cancel classes. Howard University, among other targeted HBCUs, ordered students and faculty to shelter in place.  The lockdown at Howard...

Biolans quarantine in Mexico

Biolans quarantine in Mexico
Students test positive for COVID-19 on SMU trip.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief February 2, 2022

Four Biolans quarantined in Mexico for a week after testing positive for COVID-19 while on a mission trip with the Student Missionary Union. According to Chief of Campus Safety John Ojeisekhoba, three students serving in Puebla tested positive and quarantined at the compound where local mission organization...

Crime Log ― Jan. 19 – Feb. 1

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
This Crime Log contains instances of theft and extortion.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor February 1, 2022

Vehicle Theft ― Bluff parking lot Occurred Jan. 19, 5:20 am A car was stolen from the Bluff Apartments parking lot on the morning of Jan. 19. An investigation was able to determine that the car was stolen at 5:20 am. The case is active and was referred to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Violation...

Biola Counseling Center offers new student support groups

Biola Counseling Center offers new student support groups
Supporting BCC therapy groups allows for more students to join.
Julianne Foster February 1, 2022

The Biola Counseling Center promotes therapy and counseling groups to help students, adding three new support groups this semester. According to its site, the groups allow students to “explore life and address challenges together with others who share their same concerns in confidential, supportive...

Bon Appetit hosts “Food Forum”

Bon Appetit hosts “Food Forum”
In an effort to address concerns Bon Appetit opened the floor to questions.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor January 28, 2022

On Jan. 27 and 28 members of the Biola Bon Appetit team gathered in the Billy and Trudy Kim dining hall to answer questions and learn how they can serve the Biola community. ADDRESSING CONCERNS Bon Appetit General Manager Steve Rall and Assistant General Manager Heather Rawl wanted an opportunity to...

SGA Rundown: Valentine’s Day bachelor panel

The new SGA logo
Students request funds and senators discuss mental health.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief January 27, 2022

This week, the Student Government Association discussed a Valentine’s Day bachelor panel and considered allocating money to fund proposals. FIND YOUR VALENTINE Senators discussed an event called “Find Your Valentine” in which Biolans nominate contestants to participate in a bachelor panel. Panelists...

Supreme Court to address affirmative action in higher education

Supreme Court to address affirmative action in higher education
Harvard and University of North Carolina face lawsuits in the fall, while Judge Breyer announces retirement.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor January 26, 2022

The Supreme Court is scheduled to see cases about affirmative action, specifically in higher education. According to The New York Times the affirmative action policies at both Harvard University and at the University of North Carolina will take the stand. DEFINING THE PROBLEM The Chronicle of Higher...

Biola reflects on MLK’s transformative legacy

Biola reflects on MLK’s transformative legacy
Panels discuss Martin Luther King’s vision of a non-conforming community.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief January 25, 2022

As part of Biola’s celebration of the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., the Division of Diversity and Inclusion hosted a chapel where a panel discussed how Biolans can fulfill King’s appeal for Christians to be a transformed, non-conforming community. Walter Augustine,  director of Intercultural...

Politics Rundown: California senators consider vaccines, omicron deaths climb, Congress blocks voting rights bill

Politics Rundown: California senators consider vaccines, omicron deaths climb, Congress blocks voting rights bill
Californians adapt to changing coronavirus restrictions.
Julianne Foster January 24, 2022

REQUIRED STUDENT VACCINATIONS State Sen. Richard Pan introduced a bill that forbids students from using the personal belief exemption to avoid school-based COVID-19 vaccination requirements. The Keep Schools Open and Safe Act aims to assure parents that their child’s in-person learning remains safe.  “The...