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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Vinyl record sales thrive, thanks to students

Senior Clarke Andros peeks inside a sleeve at his vinyl record. Andros, like several other Biola students, still purchase vinyl records despite being submerged in the digital age. | Courtesy of Ky Sisson
Student collectors contribute to keeping record stores in business.
Ky Sisson, Writer November 18, 2013
Student collectors contribute to keeping record stores in business.

Tunnel, stoplight under consideration to fix traffic jams

In hopes to aid in the traffic jams, both vehicular and pedestrian, Campus Safety officer Archie Mendoza serves as crossing guard to control the build-up after chapel on Monday and Wednesdays. | Katie Evensen/THE CHIMES
Campus Safety and administration are partnering to find a solution to traffic problems on campus.
Elissa Buckles, Writer November 18, 2013
Campus Safety and administration are partnering to find a solution to traffic problems on campus.

Library archives mold free and open to students

Mold was found in the library archives on September 23. To help determine why the mold started growing, Healthy Buildings has installed data loggers in the archive room to get hourly readings on the temperature and moisture in the room, Beth Cain, assistant director of facilities management said. | Photo courtesy of Matt Johnson
Students are now able to use the library archives after being closed for nearly two months.
Dayna Drum, Writer November 18, 2013
Students are now able to use the library archives after being closed for nearly two months.

Guest speaker Becket Cook to discuss “Homosexuality and Culture”

Becket Cook, guest speaker for the event titled "Homosexuality and Culture" will share his personal testimony on Nov. 21 at 7 p.m. | Courtesy of Becket Cook
Becket Cook will share his personal testimony at event titled "Homosexuality and Culture" on Nov. 21 at 7 p.m.
Lauren Frey, Writer November 17, 2013
Becket Cook will share his personal testimony at event titled "Homosexuality and Culture" on Nov. 21 at 7 p.m.

Students unhappy with chapel reduction standard

SCANNING IN: Students arrive at chapel on Wednesday morning, Sept. 28. Chapel Board announced on Monday that students who fail to physically attend at least 15 chapels per semester will be fined $375, with the opportunity to attend a one day retreat to reduce the fine. | Job Ang/THE CHIMES
Although the number of chapel reductions have remained consistent each semester, students feel reductions have been limited.
Dayna Drum, Writer November 17, 2013
Although the number of chapel reductions have remained consistent each semester, students feel reductions have been limited.

AS Senate Rundown: Nov. 14, 2013

Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
This week's senate meeting marks the third open proposal day of the semester, where the senate heard two proposals.
Dayna Drum, Writer November 16, 2013
This week's senate meeting marks the third open proposal day of the semester, where the senate heard two proposals.

Protestants overwhelm Catholics by the numbers

Melanie Kim/THE CHIMES
Though Biola has a wide variety of denominations within the undergraduate student body, Catholics make up only a little over 1 percent of the population.
Anna Frost, Writer November 14, 2013
Though Biola has a wide variety of denominations within the undergraduate student body, Catholics make up only a little over 1 percent of the population.

Midnight Madness impresses prospective students, kicks off season

Juniors Lauren Lee, Robyn Nakamura, Ashley Panko, Diana Lam, Hope Gregory and Kylie Kitabjian blow bits of confetti into the air to celebrate the beginning of the winter sports season. | Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
Pep rally impresses but has no measurable effect on the number of students who attend games.
Jared Dobbs, Writer November 14, 2013
Pep rally impresses but has no measurable effect on the number of students who attend games.

Basketball star’s attacker convicted of attempted murder

Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
In light of his attacker's trial, Andre Murillo reflects on the past five years since he was stabbed.
Katie Nelson, Writer November 13, 2013
In light of his attacker's trial, Andre Murillo reflects on the past five years since he was stabbed.

Upcoming Tolkien chapels offer theological themes on myth and story

Courtesy of University of Communications and Marketing
Middle-Earth is coming to Biola in series of chapels sponsored by the CCCA.
Grace Gibney, Writer November 13, 2013
Middle-Earth is coming to Biola in series of chapels sponsored by the CCCA.

Crime Log: Nov. 12, 2013

Crime Log: Nov. 12, 2013
Campus Safety is currently investigating the theft of property from an office.
Anna Frost, Writer November 12, 2013
Campus Safety is currently investigating the theft of property from an office.

New Walmart provides close and convenient shopping for students

Walmart Neighborhood Market, located right off of the corner of Imperial Highway and La Mirada boulevard, opened on November 6 and adds more grocery shopping options to La Mirada. | Ashleigh Fox/THE CHIMES
Walmart Neighborhood Market adds more grocery shopping options to La Mirada.
Grace Gibney, Writer November 11, 2013
Walmart Neighborhood Market adds more grocery shopping options to La Mirada.