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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Library Makerspace inspires ingenuity

The Library Makerspace provides 3D printers, among other types of production equipment, to encourage student creativity.
The Makerspace welcomes new staff and expands equipment.
Phoebe Vrable, News Editor October 12, 2022

Biola’s Library Makerspace is responding to the desire of students on campus who want to learn tactile production skills. With a variety of sewing machines, 3D printers, computer software, Cricut machines and image transfer equipment, there is a wide range of tools available for students.  According...

Try these recipes to satiate your quarantine boredom

Try making this Abelskivers recipe during quarantine.
Impress your family with your newfound cooking skills.
Emily Coffey, Managing Editor April 10, 2020

Develop a new skill while in quarantine by cooking with ingredients you probably already have at home. The recipes below require simple ingredients but make delicious, unexpected treats.  AEBLESKIVERS  A traditional Danish recipe, these three-dimensional pancakes are best paired with Lingonberry...

Use summer vacation wisely

Students should not feel pressured to work or intern during the summer time.
Tim Seeberger, Writer May 17, 2017
Students should not feel pressured to work or intern during the summer time.

University students lose out to certificate programs

Eliana Park/THE CHIMES
New and different models of higher education provide students with the means for immediate employment.
Lucas Weaver, Writer May 2, 2017
New and different models of higher education provide students with the means for immediate employment.

Society produces leadership skills

Photo courtesy of Dawson Hoppes
NSLS leaders and student members find the society a success.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer October 26, 2016
NSLS leaders and student members find the society a success.

Listening to Shame: Building a Bridge

Dr. Betsy Barber provides students practical and applicable listening skills.   |   Jose Flores/ THE CHIMES
Dr. Betsy Barber provides students practical and applicable listening skills.
Rachel Etzel, Writer October 19, 2016
Dr. Betsy Barber provides students practical and applicable listening skills.

Society builds future student leaders

Alondra Urizar/THE CHIMES
The National Society of Leadership and Success seeks to equip students with fundamental leadership abilities through events and networking groups.
Jehn Kubiak, Writer May 17, 2016
The National Society of Leadership and Success seeks to equip students with fundamental leadership abilities through events and networking groups.