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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

SGA Rundown: Christmas activities and student wellness

SGA Rundown: Christmas activities and student wellness
Senators discuss involvement opportunities and student support.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief November 4, 2021

The Student Government Association discussed student wellness and resilience throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This week, senators planned Christmas activities to engage students during the holiday season. RESOURCES FOR STUDENT WELLNESS Dean of Student Wellness Lisa Igram gave a presentation on the...

SGA Rundown: Senators gear up for the holidays

SGA Rundown: Senators gear up for the holidays
Senators discuss Christmas events and hear from President Corey.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief October 28, 2021

The Student Government Association discussed how to engage the student body through campus holiday activities. This week, senators considered Christmas events to give students the chance to relax as well as serve. HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES  Senators discussed the return of Biola’s Christmas tree lighting...

Chimes News Quiz

Chimes News Quiz
Have you been following our coverage? Brush up on the biggest news stories of the past two weeks.
Andi Basista and Caleb Jonker October 15, 2021

Chimes News Quiz

Chimes News Quiz
Have you been following our coverage? Brush up on the biggest news stories of the past two weeks.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor October 1, 2021


SGA Rundown: Creating resources for commuters

SGA Rundown: Creating resources for commuters
Senators discuss commuter resources and mental health care on campus.
Andi Basista, News Editor September 23, 2021

The Student Government Association met with an additional senator since their last meeting on Sept. 9, establishing a full staff with the exception of an Alpha Hall senator.  CONNECTING WITH COMMUTERS Senators proposed the designation of parking spaces for commuter students. For students who travel...

SGA Rundown: Seeking senators and Biola Shares

SGA Rundown: Seeking senators and Biola Shares
Senators discuss recruitment methods and anticipate pop-up pantry.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor September 9, 2021

The Student Government Association met this afternoon to address empty senatorial seats and how Biola is combating food insecurity among students. Additionally, senators discussed extending time with constituents and began deliberating on whether or not to allow freshmen to run for senate.  SENATOR...

Semester Recap: Eagles complete second online semester

Semester Recap: Eagles complete second online semester
A look back at the first hybrid semester.
Maria Weyne and Bethsabe Camacho April 27, 2021

On Dec. 10, President Barry Corey announced students would be returning to campus in three phases. Phase 1 consisted of student athletes, nursing majors and other pre-approved students. Phase 2 was made up of students who needed to attend in-person classes and gain access to on-campus resources, while...

Sexual Awareness Month: Students continue to support survivors on campus

Sexual Awareness Month: Students continue to support survivors on campus
SGA leaders speak out against sexual misconduct.
Maria Weyne and Natalie Willis April 14, 2021

On March 3, 2021, Sarah Everard was murdered on her way back home from a jog by a police officer in London, England. Everard was found to have been sexually assaulted before her murder.  As the world mourned her death, a study conducted by UN Women UK found that 97% of women aged 18 to 24 have experienced...

Slaughter/Wagner elected SGA president and vice president

Slaughter/Wagner elected SGA president and vice president
The senators ran on the slogan “Challenging, Growing, Becoming.”
Maria Weyne and Bethsabe Camacho March 17, 2021

Sophomore mathematics major Nevin Slaughter and junior political science major Laurel Wagner were elected Student Government Association president and vice president for the 2021-2022 school year. SEPARATE CALLS, SAME RESULT For the first time in Biola’s recent history, candidates waited miles apart...

Senators Taper and Lo run for SGA president and vice president

Senators Taper and Lo run for SGA president and vice president
Candidates Taper and Lo hope to empower students’ presence on campus.
Maria Weyne, News Editor March 15, 2021

Sophomore biological sciences major Zoe Taper and sophomore nursing major Lesanra Lo decided to run for Student Government Association president and senior vice president with the goal to make SGA resources more available to the community.  WHY TAPER AND LO? In their time as senators, Taper and Lo...

SGA Rundown: Diversity training and Biola LEARNS

SGA Rundown: Diversity training and Biola LEARNS
Senators discussed Biola’s dedication to diversity and aiding non-traditional student education.
Maria Weyne, News Editor March 11, 2021

The Student Government Association kicked off their meeting with Director of Intercultural Education & Assessment Alicia Andre and Director of Intercultural Education and Research Walter Augustine to discuss Biola’s theological diversity statement as part of their diversity training. SGA also welcomed...

Senators Slaughter and Wagner run for SGA president and vice president

Senators Slaughter and Wagner run for SGA president and vice president
Candidates Nevin Slaughter and Laurel Wagner hope to challenge, grow and become with the Biola community.
Bethsabe Camacho, Deputy News Editor March 10, 2021

After the start of the pandemic and social unrest that took place following the murder of George Floyd, sophomore mathematics major and Sigma Hall senator Nevin Slaughter felt motivated to find a way to help Biola to navigate difficult conversations. “I really wanted to see that change in Biola...