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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Crime Log ― Nov. 21 – Nov. 29

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
A whole lot of Petty Theft and Marijuana possession make up this week's crime log.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief November 29, 2017

PETTY THEFT ― BLACKSTONE HALL Reported Nov. 21, 11:43 p.m., occurred between Nov. 20, 7 p.m. and Nov. 21, 9:45 a.m. A student reported items missing from their wallet after recovering it from the lost and found. The student did not wish to file a report with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department,...

Subway robbery suspect fled through campus

Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief November 21, 2017

STORY UPDATED AT 4:00 P.M. ON 11/22/17  Campus Safety put the university on lockdown after sending out an emergency alert to students about the presence of a robbery suspect near the Alton and Lydia Lim Center for Science, Technology and Health on Tuesday. SUSPECT LEFT CAMPUS The suspect robbed...

Crime Log: Sept. 5 – 12

Crime Log: Sept. 5 - 12
A fire, hit and run, disturbing the peace and trespassing make up this week's crime log
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief September 12, 2017
A fire, hit and run, disturbing the peace and trespassing make up this week's crime log

Crime Log: July 5 — Aug. 31

Crime Log: July 5 — Aug. 31
Trespassing, petty theft and disturbing the piece made its way through campus from July to August.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief September 7, 2017
Trespassing, petty theft and disturbing the piece made its way through campus from July to August.

Crime Log ― May 8-15

Crime Log ― May 8-15
A hit and run and disturbing the peace make up this week's crime log.
Jana Eller and Christian Leonard May 16, 2017
A hit and run and disturbing the peace make up this week's crime log.

Punctured bicycle tire explodes

Melissa Hedrick/THE CHIMES
No injuries reported in minor burst next to student mailboxes.
Jana Eller, Office Manager May 11, 2017
No injuries reported in minor burst next to student mailboxes.

Crime Log ― May 1-May 7

Crime Log ― May 1-May 7
Vandalism, drug paraphernalia, hit and run and trespassing make up this week's crime log.
Jana Eller, Office Manager May 9, 2017
Vandalism, drug paraphernalia, hit and run and trespassing make up this week's crime log.

Crime Log ― March 13-20

Crime Log ― March 13-20
Sexual assault and attempted burglary make up this week's Crime Log.
Jana Eller, Office Manager March 21, 2017
Sexual assault and attempted burglary make up this week's Crime Log.

Crime Log ― March 3-12

Crime Log ― March 3-12
Theft, vandalism and disturbing the peace makes up this week's crime log.
Jana Eller, Office Manager March 14, 2017
Theft, vandalism and disturbing the peace makes up this week's crime log.

Crime Log ― February 20-26

Crime Log ― February 20-26
Grand Theft, Petty Theft and Disturbing the Peace
Jana Eller, Office Manager February 28, 2017
Grand Theft, Petty Theft and Disturbing the Peace

Crime Log ― February 13-19

Crime Log ― February 13-19
A hit and run, petty theft and disturbance of peace make up this week's crime log.
Jana Eller, Office Manager February 21, 2017
A hit and run, petty theft and disturbance of peace make up this week's crime log.

Biola takes measures to protect its community

Eliana Park/THE CHIMES
Campus Safety installs new emergency response guidebooks throughout campus.
Daisy Gonzalez, Writer February 15, 2017
Campus Safety installs new emergency response guidebooks throughout campus.