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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Staff Editorial: faith and reason necessary to the Christian life

Faith and reason are essential for a healthy intellectual life despite a Los Angeles Times study that argues otherwise.
Chimes Staff and Chimes Staff May 9, 2012
Faith and reason are essential for a healthy intellectual life despite a Los Angeles Times study that argues otherwise.

Mural conversation must go on

A letter to President Corey arguing that even though the Jesus Mural has been restored, conversations on campus about diversity should continue.
Chase Andre and Chase Andre May 9, 2012
A letter to President Corey arguing that even though the Jesus Mural has been restored, conversations on campus about diversity should continue.

How the Tea Party is ruining the Senate

Shaefer Bagwell argues that Tea Partiers are ruining the Senate because of their unwillingness to compromise.
Shaefer Bagwell and Shaefer Bagwell May 8, 2012
Shaefer Bagwell argues that Tea Partiers are ruining the Senate because of their unwillingness to compromise.

Faculty Column: why Tebow’s convictions about virginity matter

Tim Muehlhoff is a professor of communication.
Tim Tebow's celibate lifestyle challenges cultural assumptions society has regarding masculinity.
Timothy Muehlhoff and Timothy Muehlhoff May 8, 2012
Tim Tebow's celibate lifestyle challenges cultural assumptions society has regarding masculinity.

Worshipping God through rest

Cameron Gardiner writes about how rest can be used as a time of worship. | Illustration by Jessica Lindner/THE CHIMES
Cameron Gardiner challenges workaholics to think of rest as worship, not a chore.
Cameron Gardiner and Cameron Gardiner May 8, 2012
Cameron Gardiner challenges workaholics to think of rest as worship, not a chore.

Understanding masculinity in context of Christ and humanity

AJ Ranson argues the importance of masculinity while looking at Jesus as an example.
A.J. Ranson and A.J. Ranson May 5, 2012
AJ Ranson argues the importance of masculinity while looking at Jesus as an example.

Staff Editorial: technology provides means for classroom enhancement

Biola is behind the times when it comes to technology use in the classroom.
Chimes Staff and Chimes Staff May 5, 2012
Biola is behind the times when it comes to technology use in the classroom.

Righting the inequality of the war on drugs

Christians have a duty to advocate for second chances for others.
Cameron Gardiner and Cameron Gardiner May 3, 2012
Christians have a duty to advocate for second chances for others.

Biola should award scholarships based on different standards

Students involved in ministry have less of a chance of receiving a scholarship than student athletes.
Kaitlyn Ingram and Kaitlyn Ingram May 3, 2012
Students involved in ministry have less of a chance of receiving a scholarship than student athletes.

Experiencing growth and grief as a camp counselor

Cameron Gardiner reflects on lessons he has learned from working at The Oaks summer camp.
Cameron Gardiner and Cameron Gardiner April 26, 2012
Cameron Gardiner reflects on lessons he has learned from working at The Oaks summer camp.

Stuff Biolans Like: a look inside Biola’s hipster culture

James Tilton exposes the nuances of the hipster sub-culture. | Austin Ranson/THE CHIMES
Hipster culture is trending on campus.
James Tilton and James Tilton April 25, 2012
Hipster culture is trending on campus.

How culture misunderstands manhood

 Matthew Beckwith writes that though the world views Christians as weak, it takes humility instead of masculine appearances to lead in a Christ-like manner. | Job Ang/THE CHIMES
Culture calls men embrace masculinity for their own glory, but God has a different understanding of manhood.
Matthew Beckwith and Matthew Beckwith April 25, 2012
Culture calls men embrace masculinity for their own glory, but God has a different understanding of manhood.