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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Staff Editorial: three awareness weeks in one makes it hard to focus on issues

With three awareness weeks falling in the same week, students focus more on chapel credits than the actual issues.
Chimes Staff and Chimes Staff April 25, 2012
With three awareness weeks falling in the same week, students focus more on chapel credits than the actual issues.

Faculty Column: importance of gospel-centered leadership

Chris Johnson discusses the key to discipleship.
Chris Johnson and Chris Johnson April 25, 2012
Chris Johnson discusses the key to discipleship.

More than a Mormon: Christians should look beyond Romney’s religion

Religion isn't a good enough reason to not vote for Mitt Romney.
Shaefer Bagwell and Shaefer Bagwell April 24, 2012
Religion isn't a good enough reason to not vote for Mitt Romney.

Furthering the kingdom primary reason for voting

Voting is supposed to further the kingdom of God.
Austin Rogers and Austin Rogers April 24, 2012
Voting is supposed to further the kingdom of God.

Chew On This: living for God in Los Angeles

Mark Miller, opinion editor of The Clause at Azusa Pacific University, suggests we are capable of effectiveness as inhabitants of L.A.
Mark Miller and Mark Miller April 18, 2012
Mark Miller, opinion editor of The Clause at Azusa Pacific University, suggests we are capable of effectiveness as inhabitants of L.A.

Finding a home in unconventional housing

AJ Ranson writes about how Biola students can find solace, despite the fact that most have not secured on-campus housing. The key is to not worry because housing opportunities are aplenty off campus. | Job Ang/THE CHIMES
AJ Ranson encourages students who are currently homeless for next year to keep an open mind.
A.J. Ranson and A.J. Ranson April 18, 2012
AJ Ranson encourages students who are currently homeless for next year to keep an open mind.

Faculty Column: Associated Students president finds her responsibility in her identity

Janine Marderian discusses how God has used her job as AS president to stretch her out of her comfort zone.
Janine Marderian and Janine Marderian April 18, 2012
Janine Marderian discusses how God has used her job as AS president to stretch her out of her comfort zone.

Corey’s Corner: the discipline of saying “no”

President Barry Corey argues that busier is not always better.
President Barry Corey argues that busier is not always better.

Tech Talk: avoiding total dependence on technology

While apps like Tapingo make things more convenient, Elizabeth Sallie warns against letting technology control our lives.
Elizabeth Sallie and Elizabeth Sallie March 28, 2012
While apps like Tapingo make things more convenient, Elizabeth Sallie warns against letting technology control our lives.

Staff Editorial: a letter to the new AS and SMU presidents

The Chimes writes a letter to the newly elected student leadership for 2012-13.
March 28, 2012
The Chimes writes a letter to the newly elected student leadership for 2012-13.

Faculty Column: Pursuing diversity to accomplish God’s purpose

Diversity is more than mere political correctness, it was created to be a blessing.
Ivan Chung and Ivan Chung March 28, 2012
Diversity is more than mere political correctness, it was created to be a blessing.

Impacting the world for Christ can begin at home

Randa Hinton writes that we should not neglect seeking justice at home for the sake of international causes.
March 28, 2012
Randa Hinton writes that we should not neglect seeking justice at home for the sake of international causes.