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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Biola continues to seek Hispanic Serving Institution accreditation during the pandemic

Biola continues to seek Hispanic Serving Institution accreditation during the pandemic
The 2020 College Access Event highlights the work of the admissions department in reaching the Hispanic community.
Sophia Silvester, Staff Writer October 15, 2020

On Oct. 8 and 9, Biola Admissions held their 2020 College Access Event, which reflected their team's new goal: helping the university become a Hispanic Serving Institution. While only 13% of post-secondary institutions are HSI accredited, they serve two-thirds of all Hispanic students in the nation....

SGA Rundown: Senators vote against new proposal

SGA Rundown: Senators vote against new proposal
Senators discussed updating Sandy Hough’s title as Dean of Community Life.
Jayne Bickford, Staff Writer October 15, 2020

The Student Government Association met via Zoom Thursday afternoon to discuss updates from Dean of Community Life Sandy Hough, vote on a new constitution proposal and take part in a diversity training with Chief Diversity Office, Tamra Malone.  WHAT’S NEW FOR SGA Since the Title IX regulation changed...

Biolan sisters create Singspiration-inspired worship night

Biolan sisters create Singspiration-inspired worship night
Green Hills Church offers seven:nine to remedy lack of in-person services and chapels.
Jayne Bickford and Ashley Grams October 14, 2020

With chapels fully online this semester, students are looking for other ways to worship. Junior administration major Alissa Wooley and her sister Aidyn Wooley, a Biola alumna, have partnered with Green Hills Church in La Habra to create a Singspiration-inspired worship night called seven:nine. “My...

The Student Committee for Diversity Affairs kicks off first-ever meeting

The Student Committee for Diversity Affairs kicks off first-ever meeting
Representatives from various organizations and clubs from Biola gather to discuss the vision of the new committee.
Bethsabe Camacho, Deputy News Editor October 13, 2020

After racial tensions emerged last semester involving a racial slur on a poster in Horton Hall and a controversial meme posted by an anonymous social media account, administration opened up a time for students to address the impact it had on their lives during a lament session. Biola has since launched...

Biola encourages students to participate in civic engagement for the upcoming elections

Biola encourages students to participate in civic engagement for the upcoming elections
Different organizations within the university provide resources for students as they prepare to vote.
Bethsabe Camacho, Deputy News Editor October 9, 2020

As elections draw near, Biola seeks to provide students with the right tools to engage with their democracy. Their goal is not to tell students who or what to vote for, but instead, supply them with accurate, concise information to allow them to make their own decisions.  THE PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE After...

SGA Rundown: Connecting with SMU

SGA Rundown: Connecting with SMU
Senators will be initiating collaborative efforts with SMU in the future.
Jayne Bickford, Staff Writer October 8, 2020

The Student Government Association connected Thursday afternoon via Zoom to discuss a new proposal, hear updates from the Student Missionary Union, and learn more about Biola’s global student population.  A NEW PROPOSAL SGA heard from their president, Keren Godwin, about an upcoming proposal involving...

Female leaders across campus reflect on Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy

Female leaders across campus reflect on Ruth Bader Ginsburg's legacy
The late U.S. Supreme Court Justice continues to inspire a new generation of leadership.
Ashley Grams and Maria Weyne October 8, 2020

On Sept. 18, the United States woke up to news that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died. “When I heard the news that she had passed away my heart broke over the notion and idea that she carried the weight of the United States of American on her shoulders,” said Dean of the...

Athletes being tested for COVID-19

Athletes being tested for COVID-19
The Department of Nursing has paired up with Biola Athletics to start weekly testing of athletes.
Andi Basista, News Editor October 8, 2020

On Tuesday night, Brandon Taylor, Biola’s assistant sports information director, stated that Biola Athletics has shifted into Phase 2 of Biola’s COVID-19 Action Plan. “In partnership with the Health Center and the Biola Nursing Program, Biola Athletics has begun weekly COVID-19 testing to ensure...

Biola reaches record high enrollment of ROTC students

Biola reaches record high enrollment of ROTC students
ROTC students persist with their training through COVID-19 challenges.
Ashley Thomas October 7, 2020

Biola is a sister school to Cal State Fullerton’s Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Program. While attending Biola full time, the ROTC students are engaging in field labs, a military science class and physical training three days a week. COVID-19 adds a different kind of obstacle for them. The...

Looking into Biola’s Communications

Looking into Biola’s Communications
Biola has been communicating daily with its students and communities.
Charlotte McKinley, Freelance Writer October 6, 2020

Before the semester began, students waited with anticipation for faculty to announce if campus would open in the fall. On Sept. 17, an email from the Biola Internal Communications team provided them with an answer: Biola is to remain closed for the remainder of the semester. BIOLA’S COMMUNICATION Although...

SGA Rundown: Scholarship Proposal Passed

SGA Rundown: Scholarship Proposal Passed
SGA will be handing out multiple need-based scholarships this year.
Jayne Bickford, Staff Writer October 3, 2020

The Student Government Association met Thursday afternoon to discuss new initiatives with Students We Serve and vote on need-based scholarships proposed last week. STUDENTS WHO SERVE: MLK CHAPEL AND GUIDING STUDENTS Next week, the SGA diversity team will begin meeting to start the Martin Luther King...

Pastoral Care overcomes distances

Pastoral Care overcomes distances
Pastoral Care extends its services and hopes to continue serving students despite the distance.
Bethsabe Camacho and Maria Weyne October 2, 2020

When Biola first announced its transition to a fully online format, many departments had to be innovative with their approach on how to serve students. Following the Biola Counseling Center's footsteps, Pastoral Care already had their online booking system in place, making the transition process a lot...