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SGA Rundown: Clarity on the spring semester

Senators are updated on reopening plans.
SGA Rundown: Clarity on the spring semester

The Student Government Association met late Thursday afternoon to hear from President Barry Corey about Biola’s plans for next semester.


Corey joined the SGA meeting to inform senators on any updates to the current plan to reopen Biola’s campus in the spring. A recent spike in coronavirus cases and hopes for a timely vaccine have affected the conversation surrounding the nature of next semester. 

Corey is in contact with presidents from other universities, including Pomona College, to share concerns about Los Angeles county’s regulations on colleges and universities. Corey and Pomona College’s president, Gabrielle Starr, jointly wrote a letter to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, calling for more leniency when it comes to campuses reopening. Twenty-four other institutions in LA County signed the letter, including Pepperdine University and Loyola Marymount University.

California has state guidelines for reopening, which allows for institutes to reopen with regulations. Corey expressed that L.A. County decided to further those measures. As a result, college campuses in the county have not been able to welcome their students back in-person. 

The Board of Supervisors met this past Tuesday to vote on whether or not the additional regulations from the Department of Public Health should be put in place. All five of the supervisors on the Board passed a motion to support these institutions in their call to minimize regulations. 

Next Tuesday, Los Angeles County and the Department of Public Health will meet with the Board of Supervisors to discuss the details of colleges and universities reopening for the spring. 


Senators also had the opportunity to ask questions and bring their concerns to Corey. They shared questions about the upcoming changes to Biola, how the administration will handle welcoming students in the middle of a controversial Presidential election in January and which students will be allowed to return to campus.

“My hope and prayer is that we can begin repopulating for our semester that begins in January and what it will look like will depend on what tier we are in,” Corey said. 

Corey mentioned the possibility of a hybrid schedule option for students who wish to study remotely. He also mentioned that the students allowed back on campus will depend on necessity, if a limit is placed.

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