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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

COVID-19 update: California experiences decline in vaccine distribution in the wake of possible reopening on June 15

COVID-19 update: California experiences decline in vaccine distribution in the wake of possible reopening on June 15
Due to an error in a Johnson & Johnson batch, public officials are questioning if California can reopen by their projected timeline.
Bethsabe Camacho, Deputy News Editor April 12, 2021

The U.S. will see nearly a 90% drop in Johnson & Johnson vaccine doses nationwide, according to an article by The Washington Post. Due to manufacturing issues, the government has cut down J&J's vaccine allotment to only 700,000 doses this week, showing a concerning decrease from last week's near...

“The Dwelling” struggles amid COVID-19 isolation

“The Dwelling” struggles amid COVID-19 isolation
An inside look at the challenges LGBTQ students are facing during the pandemic.
Emily Coffey, Managing Editor April 11, 2021

In March of last year, students, faculty and staff had to readjust to a new way of living outside of campus. Clubs like The Dwelling had to overcome distance in order to provide a safe space for students. The distance, however, poses a unique challenge for students who identify with the LGBTQ community—feeling...

SGA Rundown: In-N-Out truck

The new SGA logo
Senators meet to discuss the last proposal of the year.
Maria Weyne, News Editor April 8, 2021

The Student Government Association met for their biweekly senate meeting on Thursday to discuss the last proposal of the year. Bluff senator Schylar Turpel was responsible for presenting a proposal for SGA to bring an In-N-Out truck to Biola’s campus on April 29.  IN-N-OUT PROPOSAL  Turpel submitted...

Gov. Newsom announces plan to completely reopen California

Gov. Newsom announces plan to completely reopen California
The state hopes to fully reopen based on sufficient vaccine supply for Californians and stable hospitalization rates.
Bethsabe Camacho, Deputy News Editor April 6, 2021

On April 6, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced plans to fully reopen California’s economy on June 15 if the state continues the downward trend in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. MASKS MANDATE TO STAY The plan is to do away with the color-coded tier system that controls closures and openings county...

Politics Rundown: Biden pushes to ease student debt

Politics Rundown: Biden pushes to ease student debt
In light of COVID-19, many financial aid plans are being explored for Americans.
Maria Weyne and Natalie Willis April 5, 2021

As of April 5, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau began pushing to temporarily end home foreclosures until 2022, given the pandemic at hand. President Joe Biden has also begun looking into canceling student debt after pausing loan payments as part of COVID-19 relief, according to USA Today. On...

Biola plans for in-person spring commencement

Biola plans for in-person spring commencement
The commencement ceremony will be held on three separate days to adhere to health and safety protocols.
Bethsabe Camacho, Deputy News Editor April 3, 2021

On April 1, University Events sent an email to graduating seniors informing them that their Spring 2021 Commencement ceremony will be held in person. After the previous semester’s graduation was held via drive thru, the university has found a way to give their students an in-person experience while...

Biola students highlight importance of supporting women

Biola students highlight importance of supporting women
Two Biola students use their platform to explore femininity and share the struggles women go through on a daily basis.
Maria Weyne, News Editor April 1, 2021

Despite women’s history month coming to a close on March 31, junior psychology major Alexandra Artuso and senior cinema and media arts major Bree Mays share the same sentiment toward celebrating minorities beyond their respective months.  MORE THAN JUST A MONTH  “I think it’s really great to...

Women’s History Month: Trusting God’s timing

Women’s History Month: Trusting God’s timing
Associate professor Laureen Mgrdichian discusses running a business and being relentless in the workplace.
Natalie Willis, Editor-in-Chief March 31, 2021

Women in the workplace often face obstacles that their male colleagues will likely never encounter, according to associate professor of marketing Laureen Mgrdichian. Raising a family and maintaining a fulfilling career has been challenging for Mgrdichian, but trusting God’s timing has enabled her to...

Biola launches Institutional Diversity Strategic Plan

Biola launches Institutional Diversity Strategic Plan
The Division of Diversity and Inclusion shared their current plans containing 16 initiatives and four goals.
Amber Chen, Freelancer March 30, 2021

On March 26, Biola officially launched its Institutional Diversity Strategic Plan inside of Biola’s very own Calvary Chapel. This historic event was welcomed by President Barry Corey and Chief Diversity Officer Tamra Malone who introduced the theme “Unity Amidst Diversity.” “We must take intentional...

President Biden’s first press conference rundown

President Biden’s first press conference rundown
Joe Biden faces low approval ratings over his approach to gun violence after mass shootings.
Natalie Willis, Editor-in-Chief March 29, 2021

On March 25, President Joe Biden detailed his goals involving COVID-19, vaccine distribution and immigration in his first presidential news conference. The conference took place three days after 10 people died in a mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado, but Biden sidestepped a question addressing his plan...

‘Are we Asian Americans your neighbors?’

‘Are we Asian Americans your neighbors?’
The overall hate crime rate in major cities has decreased, but Anti-Asian crime has risen by nearly 150%.
Maria Weyne, Bethsabe Camacho, and Natalie Willis March 26, 2021

“It's a whole nother thing when it's your race going through it,” said senior business major Sena Lee. “Because our culture is to suppress emotions to not speak up, to put your head down, and don't make a ruckus, it's really hard for us to deal with the pain right now. Because we can't justify...

Biola announces reopening for Fall 2021

Common Grounds interior
After a year of remote learning, Biola announces its reopening for the upcoming semester.
Maria Weyne and Natalie Willis March 25, 2021

On March 25, Biola Internal Communications sent out an email to all non-graduating students regarding future plans for Fall 2021. President Barry Corey announced that students will be allowed back on campus for fully in-person housing and instruction by Aug. 30.  BIOLA RETURNS  Along with in-person...