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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

AS Senate Rundown: Sept. 4, 2012

Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
The new senate passed two in-house proposals and heard one proposal requesting funds for the last-minute fall concert venue change.
Christine Chan and Christine Chan September 4, 2012
The new senate passed two in-house proposals and heard one proposal requesting funds for the last-minute fall concert venue change.

New T3 vehicles to aid in response to active shooters

New T3 vehicles to aid in response to active shooters
Two T3 vehicles were purchased by Campus Safety to help aid emergency access in the event of an active shooter and other campus crimes.
Julia Henning and Julia Henning September 1, 2012
Two T3 vehicles were purchased by Campus Safety to help aid emergency access in the event of an active shooter and other campus crimes.

Bon Appétit preps for mobile food truck debut

Bon Appetit promotes food truck naming competition in the cafeteria on Tuesday, Sept. 4. | Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
Plans are in the works for a Bon Appetit food truck on campus soon, and students will have a chance to decide what it'll look like.
Jeff Koch and Jeff Koch August 31, 2012
Plans are in the works for a Bon Appetit food truck on campus soon, and students will have a chance to decide what it'll look like.

Former Biolan convicted of illegally spying on women through computers

Trevor Harwell illegally installed spyware on several Apple computers to secretly view women. | Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
Trevor Harwell, a former Biola student, pleaded guilty to six felony counts of computer access and fraud after installing spyware on women’s cameras to secretly record them.
Elizabeth Sallie and Elizabeth Sallie July 20, 2012
Trevor Harwell, a former Biola student, pleaded guilty to six felony counts of computer access and fraud after installing spyware on women’s cameras to secretly record them.

Theft marks first of summer

A theft from Metzger Hall is the first theft Campus Safety has seen this summer.
Julia Henning and Julia Henning July 2, 2012
A theft from Metzger Hall is the first theft Campus Safety has seen this summer.

UPDATED: Administrator, beloved alumnus dies

Biola mourns loss of Ken Bascom.
Biola mourns loss of Ken Bascom.

Helicopter to shoot campus footage for fundraising campaign

A helicopter will be flying over the campus today to capture footage for Biola's new fundraising campaign and students are advised to avoid McNally field, where the helicopter will be landing, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
Julia Henning and Julia Henning May 21, 2012
A helicopter will be flying over the campus today to capture footage for Biola's new fundraising campaign and students are advised to avoid McNally field, where the helicopter will be landing, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.

President Barry Corey expounds on Biola’s homosexuality stance in family discussion

President Barry Corey addressed Biola's stance on homosexuality in a family discussion on May 18 at the last chapel of the semester.
Elizabeth Sallie and Elizabeth Sallie May 18, 2012
President Barry Corey addressed Biola's stance on homosexuality in a family discussion on May 18 at the last chapel of the semester.

Caf to expand outdoor seating over summer

The outdoor Caf patio will add an additional 120 seats and include plastic shields for climate control. The addition will be located just off Sutherland Way. | Hannah Caprara/THE CHIMES
The Caf will have an expanded and protected outdoor eating area next year to combat the lack of seating.
Katie Nelson and Katie Nelson May 17, 2012
The Caf will have an expanded and protected outdoor eating area next year to combat the lack of seating.

Administration hopes to be more intentional in seeking student feedback

Junior Tabitha Coe fills out a course evaluation for Philosophy of Aesthetics. | Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
Biola administration has been making an intentional effort to hear from students through a variety of mediums.
Trevor Gerdes and Trevor Gerdes May 17, 2012
Biola administration has been making an intentional effort to hear from students through a variety of mediums.

Yim and Croft to oversee changes in AS and SMU this fall

Chris Yim and Stephen Croft talk about what students can expect from AS and SMU in the fall.
Christine Chan and Christine Chan May 16, 2012
Chris Yim and Stephen Croft talk about what students can expect from AS and SMU in the fall.

AS Senate Rundown: May 14, 2012

Senators passed one proposal and five constitutional changes in the final meeting of the year.
Christine Chan and Christine Chan May 16, 2012
Senators passed one proposal and five constitutional changes in the final meeting of the year.