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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Crime Log: March 4, 2014

Deputy Chief John Ojeisekhoba and Sergeant Randy Richardson mark the information board during the disaster simulation drill on Friday. Many students received a text message to test the effectiveness of the 3N System that Campus Safety implemented this year. Photo by Faith Martinez
Three hit and runs make up this week's crime log.
Anna Frost, Writer March 4, 2014
Three hit and runs make up this week's crime log.

Devotional seeks to focus student, world attention on Lent

Alumnus Jonathan Rowley ('05), an auxiliary services assistant manager at Biola, receives ashes during the 6:30 a.m. service at the Anglican Church of the Epiphany, held at Redeemer Church on Imperial Highway. Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent. | Melanie Kim/THE CHIMES
The CCCA will be kicking off The Lent Project this Wednesday to celebrate Lent season.
Dayna Drum, Writer March 4, 2014
The CCCA will be kicking off The Lent Project this Wednesday to celebrate Lent season.

AS Senate Rundown: Feb. 27, 2014

Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
Evan Tan encourages senators to promote fundraising for the Biola Commencement Bell.
Dayna Drum, Writer March 2, 2014
Evan Tan encourages senators to promote fundraising for the Biola Commencement Bell.

Failure to converse with diverse community causes unseen harm

Soren Iverson/THE CHIMES
Biola's Multi-Ethnic Programs and Development provide events to address student's blind spots to diversity.
Anna Frost, Writer February 27, 2014
Biola's Multi-Ethnic Programs and Development provide events to address student's blind spots to diversity.

A season of change for SMU

A group of friends surround SMU candidate Cody Storm, a sophomore international business major, while on the phone with current SMU president Roddy Garcia. Storm is the SMU president for the 2014-2015 school year. | Julia Henning/THE CHIMES
Student Missionary Union is going through a restructuring phase after adding ministries.
Dayna Drum, Writer February 26, 2014
Student Missionary Union is going through a restructuring phase after adding ministries.

Crime Log: Feb. 24, 2014

Campus Safety Chief John Ojeisekhoba and his crew of officers put on equipment in preparation for the active shooter drill held on Wednesday, August 14. The drill coordinated with SWAT and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to prepare officers for any situation. The increased security in chapel is part of Ojeisekhoba's plan to make Biola as safe as possible. | Courtesy of Campus Safety
Vandalism and disturbing the peace make up this week's crime log.
Augusta McDonnell, Writer February 25, 2014
Vandalism and disturbing the peace make up this week's crime log.

Canvas erases Blackboard as new online management system

Screenshot from
Students and teachers adjust to the new learning management system, Canvas, which will become campus-wide next semester.
Anne Marie Larson, Writer February 23, 2014
Students and teachers adjust to the new learning management system, Canvas, which will become campus-wide next semester.

AS Senate Rundown: Feb. 20, 2014

Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
This week's AS senate meeting presented the first open proposal day of the semester.
Dayna Drum, Writer February 22, 2014
This week's AS senate meeting presented the first open proposal day of the semester.

Hormel/Panko and Storm each win AS and SMU elections with 54.6 percent of vote

Campaign manager Taylor Crouch celebrates with AS vice president elect Ashley Panko and president elect Tyler Hormel in Hart Hall. The team won with a record-breaking 973 votes — 54.6 percent of total ballots cast.

“I want to start building school spirit tomorrow. The real work starts now,” Hormel said. | Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
Tyler Hormel, Ashley Panko and Cody Storm elected to lead the student body next year.
Chimes Staff, Writer February 21, 2014
Tyler Hormel, Ashley Panko and Cody Storm elected to lead the student body next year.

Half the senate seats in need of candidates

Melanie Kim/THE CHIMES
AS senate seats are left vacant after campaign week.
Anna Frost, Writer February 19, 2014
AS senate seats are left vacant after campaign week.

Number of admitted students who choose Biola drops

Soren Iverson/THE CHIMES
Biola seeks solution to decreased enrollment numbers.
Katie Nelson, Writer February 19, 2014
Biola seeks solution to decreased enrollment numbers.

Debate provides chance to make an impression before ballots open

A large crowd gathers at the Fireplace Pavilion to watch the Associated Students and Student Missionary Union election debates on Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 9 p.m. | Tomber Su/THE CHIMES
Candidates were able to give campaign platforms and answer questions on Tuesday night before voting began.
Anna Frost, Writer February 19, 2014
Candidates were able to give campaign platforms and answer questions on Tuesday night before voting began.