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Technology is here to stay at church

Mobile technology is changing how people follow along in service.
Technology is here to stay at church
Photo courtesy of Courtesy of Unsplash

There once was a time when you would never see an Ipad or phone out during church. For years, physical Bibles were brought to service so that people could participate. When the pastor asked the congregation to turn to a passage, the sound of shuffling of pages would echo across the room.

 I have recently started bringing my iPad to church to take notes. In my schoolwork,  I exclusively take digital notes in class and I thought, “why not do this with my sermon notes?” However, I immediately began to wonder what my preacher and other members of my church would think of actively using technology during the service.

There is no reason why someone cannot use their iPad or phone in church as long as they are paying attention and using their devices to aid them while listening to the sermon—an issue arises when it becomes a hindrance rather than a help. 


Since 2015, people debated if using iPads in church was a wise idea or a hindrance. The Philadelphia Inquirer published a “Dear Abbey” article where a grandmother asked the author if it is wrong for their grandchildren to use the iPad in church. She said it could be disrespectful. The author of this article concluded that as long as the preacher had no issues, then the children should be fine to continue using the device. 

In 2019, an article was written with steps on how preachers can become more involved in the digital age. Ministry Magazine explored ways that preachers can incorporate technology into their church, claiming that the church should begin to adapt to modern technology. Rather than completely removing a traditional Bible, they can freely welcome those who use technology during the worship service. Even pastors have begun to switch over to digital Bibles during church service. One pastor claimed it was easier to use an iPad while conducting weddings and funerals as well as church.


A great benefit of having an iPad or tablet during service is the use of tools such as Accordance, Logos Bible Software or the Blue Letter Bible. These programs offer commentaries, lexicons and a variety of other tools to better understand the passages the pastor is discussing. 

These tools allow someone to see the original Hebrew or Greek words in order to better interpret the passage. Further, it gives clarity on biblical books as a whole. Digital tools allow the congregation to delve deeper into biblical study.  

The digital age is here and it is time for preachers and churches alike to adaps. Tablets and iPads are beneficial for church attendees—when used wisely.


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