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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

It is necessary to recognize sexual assault awareness month

It is necessary to recognize sexual assault awareness month
Sexual assualt awareness must continue beyond April.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor April 11, 2022

There is a reason why women around the world wear denim in April. In 1992, an 18-year-old woman was raped by her driver’s education instructor in Italy. The case was thrown out because the Italian Supreme Court ruled her jeans were so tight she must have helped take them off and consented to having...

Just read your Bible

Just read your Bible
Studying the Bible is not the only way to spend time in it.
Kei-Lynn Wheaton, Staff Writer April 7, 2022

Various forms of Bible study were popularized in the YouTube community. Personal Bible study can range from reading and meditation, journaling or in-depth analysis that considers historical and cultural context. Christians constantly experiment, creating new techniques, tools and arts to study with.  Conducting...

Technology is here to stay at church

Technology is here to stay at church
Mobile technology is changing how people follow along in service.
Kei-Lynn Wheaton, Staff Writer April 2, 2022

There once was a time when you would never see an Ipad or phone out during church. For years, physical Bibles were brought to service so that people could participate. When the pastor asked the congregation to turn to a passage, the sound of shuffling of pages would echo across the room.  I have...

Subjective ethics are not biblical

Subjective ethics are not biblical
Ethical decisions should not be based on feelings.
Kei-Lynn Wheaton, Staff Writer February 23, 2022

Britannica describes morality and ethics as distinguishing right and wrong. While morality remains personal, the standards for ethics are socially agreed upon. Imanuel Kant, Aristotle and Plato are among the world’s most famous philosophers who pondered on ethics and what they mean for humans. Ethics...

Church is a place to learn

Church is a place to learn
Teaching should always be part of the church.
Kei-Lynn Wheaton, Staff Writer February 16, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way society functions. For over a year, people retreated into their homes, overcome by fear. This was not limited to places of business and schools but churches as well. The retreat to the home brings up the interesting subject about what it means to learn in the church.  The...

Evangelism needs to include science

Evangelism needs to include science
Science is a tool that should not be ignored.
Kei-Lynn Wheaton, Staff Writer February 9, 2022

When an evangelism opportunity arises, Christians should be prepared to use science as a tool to answer questions. There are people who have “standard issues” with Christianity such as mistrust of the church, an unwillingness to live by the biblical standard or a dislike of Christians.  The Barna...

Every Christian is called to be an apologist

Every Christian is called to be an apologist
The Bible calls every Christian to defend the word of God.
Kei-Lynn Wheaton, Staff Writer February 2, 2022

When someone today thinks of an apologist, they might think of it as a profession. Similar to preaching, only certain types of people are called to the task. In reality, all Christians are called to apologetics. 1 Peter 3:15-16 says, “but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, ready at any...

Localism is a forgotten philosophy

Biola's community garden offers a comforting escape.
Local living yields great fulfillment.
Catherine Grattan, Freelance Writer November 22, 2021

Earlier this semester, I visited Biola’s community garden for the first time. Surrounded by the foliage of flowers, cornstalks and tomato vines, the small space felt blissful and familiar. As I returned to a darkly-lit dorm and stared at my computer, I could not help but feel melancholic, questioning...

Students grow in faith through church and chapel

Corporate worship fosters community.
Hannah Larson, Freelance Writer October 13, 2021

Bells in the tower at the heart of campus continue to chime, calling Biolans to worship. However, instead of meeting in the parking lot, students will be congregating in Sutherland Auditorium starting Oct. 18. Although COVID-19 restrictions altered what chapel looks like, the purpose remains the same—to...

The Bible teaches that racial differences are not cause for division

The Bible teaches that racial differences are not cause for division
Racial injustices push Christians to analyze a biblical perspective on diversity.
Caleb Britt, Staff Writer September 27, 2021

Shortly after the coronavirus shutdown on campus, students were exposed to the nationwide racial divide that broke out in the United States regarding the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others. Riots sparked throughout the nation, which resulted in even more casualties, such as the Capitol...

Young people should take on leadership roles

Young people should take on leadership roles
Fresh new passions and perspectives can change a generation.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Freelancer April 7, 2021

Malala Yousafzai, Anne Frank and Alexander the Great— they left their mark on the world all before the age of 20. There is something special about you. It tends to bring a positive and hopeful perspective on the world and it brings a sense of justice that demands goals be accomplished. When young people...

Addressing misconceptions about biblical womanhood

Addressing misconceptions about biblical womanhood
God designed women to be defined by him, not anything or anyone else.
Addison Freiheit, Staff Writer March 19, 2021

Although Christians typically think of Eve as Adam’s “helper”—which is taken from Genesis 2:18—Eve’s name means “life,” “life-giving” or “the mother of all life.” God designed women to be complimentary—not inferior—to men.  WHO WAS THE PROVERBS 31 WOMAN? Our perception...