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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Dr. Mike Ahn takes on new role at Biola

New Dean of Spiritual Development, Mike Ahn
A look into the new dean of Spiritual Development.
Natalie Fassnacht, News Editor March 6, 2024

In a Student Life Newsletter in early January, it was announced that Mike Ahn would be the new dean of Spiritual Development beginning Jan.8. This role involves overseeing chapel programs, worship teams, pastoral care and more.  AHN'S JOURNEY Ahn has been a part of Biola’s community for a significant...

Hootenanny hums with harmonious hymns

Musicians fill Chase Gymnasium with song.
Biolans worship at a special Singspiration chapel on Sunday night.
Patricia Yang, Editor-in-Chief January 17, 2023

On Sunday, Jan. 15, the Chase gymnasium was a cacophony of sound — guitars, violins, ukuleles and kazoos were but a few of the instruments there. Then the lead drummer struck a beat, and music rang throughout the gym as a unique Singspiration chapel began that night: the Hootenanny. Singspiration...

Chimes News Quiz!

Chimes News Quiz!
Have you been following our coverage? Brush up on the latest news stories of the past two weeks.
Dalet Valles, Editor-in-Chief November 16, 2022

Spiritual Development launches Calling Cohorts initiative

Biolans discuss honoring God through their career in Calling Cohorts.
New program aims to help students find their calling.
Dalet Valles, Editor-in-Chief November 4, 2022

In partnership with Career Development, Spiritual Development started Calling Cohorts, a new program that will lead students to understand their calling and how they can honor God through their career. The groups will meet six times throughout the 2022-23 school year and met for the first time this week.  Calling...

Usual Suspects dance crew dances through Sola Soul and Torrey Conference

Usual Suspects dance crew energizes the crowd at Sola Soul.
Usual Suspects continues to grow and gain momentum as they defy misconceptions of dance by bringing in diversity and unity to campus.
Fashion Castillo-Delgadillo, Arts & Entertainment Editor October 7, 2022

A previously taboo topic at Biola changed how students worship and bring diversity to campus. Kickstarting at Sola Soul during the 2021 Torrey Conference last year, the Usual Suspects dance crew introduced a new perspective on how students can perform in a God-honoring way.  FOUNDING OF USUAL SUSPECTS Emily...

An abundance of blessings set for the new semester

Spiritual Development announced "Abound" as the chapel theme when students gathered for Fall convocation.
Biola spiritual development announces annual chapel theme during Fall 2022 Convocation.
Dalet Valles, Editor-in-Chief August 30, 2022

The Fall 2022 Convocation marked the launch of the new semester and welcomed back returning students and faculty along with incoming students and 16 new faculty members. Students packed Chase gymnasium where Biola University's President Barry Corey announced the annual theme for chapels this year, Abound.  ABOUNDING...

2021 Torrey Conference: Glory to Glory

The 86th annual Torrey Bible Conference begins early Wednesday morning.
The 86th annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference commences.

DAY ONE, SESSION 1 The rain sprinkled down this morning as students stood in line for the first in-person Torrey Conference since 2019. Wet seats and small mosquitoes awaited students on Metzger Lawn. Regardless of the damp weather and busy insects, Biolans shuffled to their seats in anticipation for...

Torrey Conference and Hiring Expo: adapting and anticipating COVID-19 protocols

Torrey Conference and Hiring Expo: adapting and anticipating COVID-19 protocols
Changing COVID-19 guidelines force employers to plan in advance or make changes on the fly.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor September 28, 2021

Biola’s campus continues to adapt to new COVID-19 guidelines, as the Career Development Center and Spiritual Development teams work to ensure Biola campus events are accessible and safe.  TORREY CONFERENCE MOVES OUTSIDE Assistant Dean of Spiritual Development Mike Ahn said that Torrey Conference...

Chapel continues in person

Chapel continues in person
As COVID-19 cases rise on campus, students in quarantine do not have access to remote chapels.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor September 22, 2021

On Sept. 20, Biola updated its COVID-19 guidelines, taking effect next week. While many classes prepare to go hybrid or online for three weeks, chapels remain in person. NORMALCY Dean of Spiritual Development Todd Pickett said he believes in the importance of continuing in-person attendance for chapels...

The Church needs to re-evaluate its approach toward the LGBTQ

The Church needs to re-evaluate its approach toward the LGBTQ
Christians are called to love, not hate.
Brianna Clark, Opinions Editor (Spring 2020) November 30, 2020

The Church is not a house of saints, but rather a home to sinners. No Christian is without sin and every congregation exists to walk with each other in the faith and encourage Christ-like behavior. It does not matter whether a person struggles with greed, dishonesty, gossip or disobedience of any kind—church...

The talks of relevant issues and politics in chapels help equip students

Calvary Chapel will undergo artistic renovations this summer.
References to Black Lives Matter and protests connected to scriptures show a Christian perspective.
Dalet Valles, Editor-in-Chief October 9, 2020

A policy on the Biola Spiritual Development page states that the intentions of chapels are to worship and educate the Biola community on relevant issues in a spiritual way. Recent chapels have come to prove that Biola does educate students about issues, but the student body has begun to complain that...

Virtual learning challenges students’ spiritual formation

Biola reduces required Bible units for transfer students as well as robotics and engineering majors.
The online semester brings about difficulties and triumphs alike for students.
Zachary Devane, Deputy Sports Editor September 25, 2020

With Biola going online, our community experience of spiritual formation has drastically changed. We are no longer on campus for chapel in Sutherland Hall or Chase Gymnasium, and our professors and mentors are no longer a five minute walk away. Rather, we are at home, where a surrounding Christian...