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Spiritual Development launches Calling Cohorts initiative

New program aims to help students find their calling.
Biolans discuss honoring God through their career in Calling Cohorts.
Biolans discuss honoring God through their career in Calling Cohorts.
Photo courtesy of Courtesy of Unsplash

In partnership with Career Development, Spiritual Development started Calling Cohorts, a new program that will lead students to understand their calling and how they can honor God through their career. The groups will meet six times throughout the 2022-23 school year and met for the first time this week. 

Calling Cohorts can be counted as chapel credit for those who attend. However, a student must attend all six sessions in order to receive the credit. When a student misses a session, they will no longer receive credit. 


The new program helps students find ways to serve God through their chosen vocation. Students will be assigned to a cohort group based on their calling which will be led by members of the Spiritual Development department. 

These cohorts are designed to help students become more confident in their calling, and understand how that directly applies to their life with Christ,” said Megan Stewart, assistant director of Pastoral Care and Student-led Ministries. 

The groups will also help students navigate unexpected shifts within their calling, including career changes. 


The cohorts began after staff and faculty noticed a gap between students and an understanding of their calling. According to Stewart, over 66% of students have felt moderately to completely stressed while seeking their calling, while 70% have felt poor to moderate understanding of their career calling. 

Calling Cohorts are a product of faculty and staff who came together to see the need for active discussion around calling,” said Stewart. 

Stewart, along with Chad Miller, director of Student-led Ministries and Spiritual Formation, will lead the groups this year. Multiple other staff and faculty aided in the development of Calling Cohorts including Tiffany Lee, associate vice president of Student Success and Academic Engagement; Mike Ahn, assistant dean for chapels and worship; and Arianna Molloy, professor of communication studies.

As of now, students can no longer join since the session has already begun, but the team hopes to start again in the 2023-24 school year. 

“I am very excited to offer a space for students to become more confident and clear in their calling with Christ,” said Stewart. “It is an important aspect of our life with God so I’m grateful we can offer this to our students.”

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Dalet Valles
Dalet Valles, Editor-in-Chief
Dalet Valles is a senior journalism major who loves spontaneous adventures with good company, new foods and creating lifelong memories.          
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