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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Celebrating black and African culture with Afro Roots

Some of the members of the band Adaawa played music inspired by traditional African music at “Afro Roots” on Feb. 13, 2025.
Biola hosts Afro Roots for the first time in honor of Black History Month
Patricia Yang, Editor-in-Chief February 20, 2025

On Thursday, Feb. 13, Biola’s first Afro Roots event sprang to life in the parking lot behind Fluor Fountain. From 7–9 p.m., the event featured a variety of foods and activities from 13 African countries and invited speakers, dancers and other guests from Biola and beyond to take part in celebrating...

Celebrating Gospel Fest 2024

Gospel Choir leading worship during Gospel Fest.
Worshiping the Lord in a variety of ways with Gospel Choir.
Patricia Yang, Editor-in-Chief January 31, 2024

The night of Jan. 28, people from all around campus and outside of Biola poured into Chase Gymnasium to celebrate an annual Biola tradition: Gospel Fest. The crowd gathered at the bleachers or the center of the gym, clapping and cheering as the Gospel Choir strode up to the front. The band struck...

New SEID director joins Biola community

Kimberly Edwards steps into her role as the new director of SEID.
Kimberly Edwards assumes leadership role.
Dalet Valles, Editor-in-Chief January 27, 2023

At the start of the spring 2023 semester, Kimberly Edwards was hired as the director of the Student Enrichment and Intercultural Development team — located in the Mosaic Cultural Center — to provide development for the diverse community at Biola.  SEID'S PURPOSE SEID serves the diverse communities...

National First Generation Week kicks off

Cinema and media arts major Katherine Padilla puts a sticky note on a wooden board display.
Biola celebrates FirstGen students through this week’s festivities.
Dalet Valles, Editor-in-Chief November 9, 2022

FirstGen week kicked off on Nov. 8 with the slogan “Sky is the Limit.” Biola is home to 770 first-generation students, which totals 25% of the undergraduate population. Hosted by Student Enrichment and Intercultural Development, also known as SEID, all these students were welcomed to celebrate beginning...

SGA Election: Meet the presidential candidates

SGA Election: Meet the presidential candidates
The SGA presidential candidates share their platforms and vision for 2022-2023.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor February 11, 2022

The Student Government Association holds elections every year to appoint the president and vice president as well as senators for the following year. This year marks Biola’s first in-person election since 2020. In the presidential campaign, two teams will appear on the ballot—Richard Villarreal...

SGA Rundown: Senators discuss repairing pool tables and increasing the student fee

SGA Rundown: Senators discuss repairing pool tables and increasing the student fee
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor February 10, 2022

This week, the Student Government Association heard student representatives from the Black Student Association and voted on proposals to fund repairs to damaged pool tables in the Student Union Building, as well as increase the student fee.  BLACK STUDENT ASSOCIATION Commencing the meeting in celebration...

SGA Rundown: Cybersecurity tips and Christmas cheer

The new SGA logo
Senators deliberate Boba Bake and discuss artwork controversy.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief December 2, 2021

Updated Dec. 3 at 4 p.m.  Director of Information Security Anthony Valentino shared his team’s efforts to protect student data with the Senate on Thursday. He explained that hackers target universities because of the wealth of student information available. Valentino said that Biola’s Information...

Chimes News Quiz

Chimes News Quiz
Have you been following our coverage? Brush up on the biggest news stories of the past two weeks.
Julianna Foster, Staff Writer November 13, 2021

Black History Month: SCORR student director voices that representation matters

Black History Month: SCORR student director voices that representation matters
Lailah Walker highlights how several on-campus groups have given her a place of belonging.
Bethsabe Camacho, Deputy News Editor February 12, 2021

As the 25th anniversary of the Student Congress of Racial Reconciliation approaches, junior journalism major Lailah Walker remarks that this year's "Heritage" theme celebrates people from all backgrounds. HERITAGE Growing up, Walker did not see people in the mainstream media that represented her Black...

Biola encourages students to participate in civic engagement for the upcoming elections

Biola encourages students to participate in civic engagement for the upcoming elections
Different organizations within the university provide resources for students as they prepare to vote.
Bethsabe Camacho, Deputy News Editor October 9, 2020

As elections draw near, Biola seeks to provide students with the right tools to engage with their democracy. Their goal is not to tell students who or what to vote for, but instead, supply them with accurate, concise information to allow them to make their own decisions.  THE PURPOSE OF THE COMMITTEE After...

First-generation students making the most of college

Group of first-gen students in Blackstone lobby
New students enter the Biola community with the help of the FirstGen Scholars Program.
Bethsabe Camacho, Deputy News Editor September 25, 2020

As college and university students transitioned to fully online formats, struggles such as “Zoom fatigue” presented unprecedented challenges into their college careers. Although the transition has been a process for entire college communities as a whole, first-generation students are finding ways...

SGA Rundown: Two final votes to close the semester

SGA Rundown: Two final votes to close the semester
Senators decide to confirm the 1% each budget cut to SMB, SMU, SGA and Campus Engagement and next semester’s budget.
Sophia Silvester, Staff Writer May 3, 2020

The Student Government Association met for the last time on Thursday, closing the year with two votes. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING VOTE  Senators deliberated on the proposed Memorandum of Understanding allocation and the offer from the Student Media Board of $14,000 in exchange for not cutting its...