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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Power outage leaves Biola in the dark

Power outage leaves Biola in the dark
Across campus buildings lost power, and the cause remains unknown.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor February 6, 2022

This afternoon Biola’s campus lost power for an hour. According to Chief of Campus Safety John Ojeisekhoba, Campus Safety quickly activated a low-level alert across their emergency operation center. Ojeisekhoba reported that the cause of the outage is currently unknown. COMMUNICATION Campus Safety...

Student Care meets student needs

Someone placing a hand on a student's shoulder
Life presents problems, and Student Care helps students work through issues they may face.
Caitlin Blackmon, Features Apprentice March 28, 2018

The misconception that Student Care only comes in when students go against community standards disregards its purpose of helping students navigate through a number of issues, including roommate conflict and mental health. STUDENT CARE AT ITS CORE While the severity of the issue differs from student...

Students need more open hours

Eliana Park/THE CHIMES
Biola residents need to voice their opinion to encourage positive change.
Tim Seeberger, Writer March 2, 2017
Biola residents need to voice their opinion to encourage positive change.

Second round of open proposals totals $17,689

SGA Logo
Senate hears four open proposals and votes on one internal proposal.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer October 18, 2016
Senate hears four open proposals and votes on one internal proposal.