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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Biolans follow 2020 presidential election from home

Biolans follow 2020 presidential election from home
As the election comes to a close, Biola faculty and students avidly watch the race from around the world.
Lacey Patrick, Maria Weyne, and Ashley Grams November 3, 2020

This article is being updated with new information as it comes in. Throughout this semester, Biola has informed students of ways they can engage in their civic duties through chapels, emails and newsletters. But as the race comes to an end, Biolans all around the world come together to watch the new...

Godwin/Ferguson elected SGA president and vice president

Keren Godwin (right) and Gretchen Ferguson (left) win the SGA election for president and vice president.
The two campaigned on the slogan, “Voice Your Heart.”
Brittany Ung, Sophia Silvester, and Andres Ramirez February 12, 2020

Student Government Association’s president and vice president for the 2020–2021 school year will be sophomore communication studies major Keren Godwin and sophomore public relations major Gretchen Ferguson.  GODWIN AND FERGUSON WIN Godwin and Ferguson were in the Alton and Lydia Lim Center for...

Keren Godwin and Gretchen Ferguson vs. Timothy Houlihan and Ryan Arnaiz

Keren Godwin and Gretchen Ferguson vs. Timothy Houlihan and Ryan Arnaiz
The 2020 Student Government Association candidates share their thoughts through a Q&A.
Lacey Patrick, Editor-in-Chief February 8, 2020

(This story was originally published in print on Feb. 6, 2020). Keren Godwin/Gretchen Ferguson WHY DO YOU FEEL EQUIPPED TO LEAD SGA?  Sophomore communication studies major Keren Godwin, presidential candidate: I've been in SGA this year as Horton [Hall] senator and I've really loved working with...

Q&A: SMU presidential candidate Bobbi Thompson

Q&A: SMU presidential candidate Bobbi Thompson
The junior communication studies major explains why she is running for president of the Student Missionary Union.
Micah Kim, Managing Editor February 7, 2020

WHY DO YOU FEEL EQUIPPED TO LEAD SMU? Bobbi Thompson: “I think in so many ways I still feel unqualified and there’s so much I’m going to be asking for guidance and wisdom and need to learn as I go.  “I have been involved in [Student Missionary Union] since my freshman year. I started off...

Americans should allow Trump to keep making America great again

Americans should allow Trump to keep making America great again
President Donald Trump’s accomplishments throughout his last three years in office should earn him a second term.
Julianne Foster December 6, 2019

(This story was originally published in print on Dec. 5, 2019). The phrase “there’s always someone who will hate you” will never be able to justify the rally of people who hate President Donald Trump. Trump’s tense relationship with the media, his inappropriate use of communication through...

BREAKING: Science dean Paul Ferguson announced as next APU president

BREAKING: Science dean Paul Ferguson announced as next APU president
After this semester, Paul Ferguson will leave Biola to serve as Azusa Pacific University's 17th president.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 10, 2019

Paul Ferguson, the founding dean of the school of Science, Technology and Health, will leave Biola University to serve as Azusa Pacific University's 17th president. In a mass email sent to students Wednesday morning, Biola president Barry Corey announced Ferguson will assume his new role at APU on...

Meet the new SGA and SMU executive boards

Meet the new SGA and SMU executive boards
SGA’s Renee Waller and SMU’s Carly Micheal hire new members to build their Fall 2019 board.
Micah Kim, Managing Editor April 4, 2019

As Biola approaches the end of 2019’s spring semester, the Student Government Association and the Student Missionary Union have officially put new leaders in place to serve in several key positions for the 2019-2020 school year. Both the SGA and SMU presidents are hopeful their new hires can carry...

We should reflect on George H.W. Bush’s civility in bi-partisan politics

We should take time to consider our former president’s legacy.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor December 8, 2018

The office of the president is one of the most powerful political offices in the history of the world because the United States is one of the most powerful nations in the history of the world. And when an American citizen assumes the title and powers of that office, they come face-to-face with life’s...

SGA Rundown: Senators reconsider funding New York Times subscriptions

The new SGA logo
The senate revisited bringing back the controversial newspaper subscriptions and hosted a presentation on student mental health data.
Austin Green, Managing Editor November 30, 2018

In its first meeting since Thanksgiving break, the Student Government Association senate had several crucial topics on the agenda. Those included a presentation on student mental health from dean of Student Wellness Lisa Igram, diversity training from student leadership advisors and a time to revisit...

SGA Rundown: Senate passes three proposals, hosts DBC

The new SGA logo
A visit from Biola’s president and a voting period on open proposals highlighted a busy senate meeting.
Austin Green, Managing Editor September 27, 2018

After the school year’s first open proposal day last week, Thursday’s Student Government Association senate meeting gave senators a chance to vote on the three outside proposals, all of which would fund existing campus events. Before the voting period, however, some special guests arrived to the...

SGA launches rebrand

The new SGA logo
Slogan changes to align more closely with Biola branding campaign.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief April 10, 2018

An olive branch replaced the pair of wings as the Student Government Association logo after the organization launched their new brand on Wednesday. “WORKING WITH YOU, FOR YOU” SGA displayed its new brand after the All-Community Chapel and served coffee in mugs bearing the new logo. SGA’s...