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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

KAIRO’s journey to the heart of pop music

KAIRO’s journey to the heart of pop music
The Nigerian former Biolan twins taking the music world by storm
Alexis Marion, Staff Writer September 21, 2024

The identical twins behind the Los Angeles-based duo, KAIRO, share their experiences growing up and immigrating to America in their upcoming debut album, a major milestone following years of growth as a band. AK and EJ Odjighoro, who attended Biola, were born in Nigeria and immigrated to Houston,...

Artist Feature: Brahms Mulyawan ​​

Artist Feature: Brahms Mulyawan ​​
A musician’s reflection on performing.
Jason Lee, Staff Writer April 23, 2024

It is common to think that the logical and creative parts of the mind cannot be reconciled or coexist. However, Brahms Mulyawan, a student majoring in both music performance and business analytics, proves that an expert in hard-coded logic can also be expressive and deeply creative. As a pianist and...

Biola’s active clubs

Biola’s active clubs
How to get involved with a smaller community on campus through a club.
Shelby LaPorte, Entertainment Editor March 18, 2024

Biola University offers a variety of clubs that provide students the opportunity to find community while learning new things. Here is a look at some of the clubs that are currently active on campus. UNICYCLE CLUB In the Unicycle Club, students can learn about encouragement, perseverance and balance....

Music in March

Music composition major Alexander Reams, music major Jason Rhue and worship arts major Caleb Britt serenade the audience with saxophone melodies.
Upcoming music events from the Conservatory of Music.
Jason Lee, Staff Writer March 13, 2024

The Conservatory of Music will be hosting three events during March. Be sure to mark your calendars for the following performances. MARCH 13: BRASS QUINTET  The Conservatory of Music will be hosting a performance featuring several applied lesson instructors from the Conservatory at the Lancing Recital...

Mock Rock Preview

Former Mock Rock team, Free Fun.
Biola's beloved traditions is just around the corner.
Jamileh Lopez, News Editor March 11, 2024

Mock Rock, Biola’s annual lip-syncing dance contest, is just around the corner and participants are bringing their A-game to win the competition. The event seeks to create a community among students and bring the campus together.  With various teams competing to take home the gold, some begin practicing...

Composition Concert 2024: A showcase of musical workmanship

Composition Concert 2024: A showcase of musical workmanship
Original compositions by student composers performed live at Lancing Recital Hall.
Jason Lee, Staff Writer March 11, 2024

Friends and families of several student composers gathered in Lansing Recital Hall on Feb. 14 at 7:30 p.m. to listen to the live performance of original music compositions. Pianos, stringed instruments and even a bassoon would bring the student composers’ works to life and display their talent and...

Biola’s Zumba Club

Biola’s Zumba Club
Students can experience a fun and effective workout through dancing.
Shelby LaPorte, Entertainment Editor February 12, 2024

Biola offers students the opportunity to join a variety of clubs and become involved in smaller communities on campus and Zumba club is one of these clubs that students can join. This female-only club was started by junior kinesiology major Madeline Cliffe, the president of the club, and Eden Araujo,...

Faith and the Jazz Ensemble

Jazz Ensemble Director Cliff Hulling
Taking a closer look at the Jazz Ensemble through the eyes of jazz director Cliff Hulling.
Patricia Yang, Editor-in-Chief February 1, 2024

The Jazz Ensemble is one of the many music ensembles of the Conservatory and is part of the commercial music program. The band features trombones, trumpets, saxophones and more, exploring a wide range of music with Cliff Hulling as their jazz director. HULLING’S CAREER JOURNEY Hulling has worked...

Celebrating Gospel Fest 2024

Gospel Choir leading worship during Gospel Fest.
Worshiping the Lord in a variety of ways with Gospel Choir.
Patricia Yang, Editor-in-Chief January 31, 2024

The night of Jan. 28, people from all around campus and outside of Biola poured into Chase Gymnasium to celebrate an annual Biola tradition: Gospel Fest. The crowd gathered at the bleachers or the center of the gym, clapping and cheering as the Gospel Choir strode up to the front. The band struck...

Upcoming art and entertainment events at Biola

Upcoming art and entertainment events at Biola
Take a look at some dates for creative events happening later this semester.
Patricia Yang, Editor-in-Chief January 18, 2024

The new semester has begun, and on its heels are several exciting events inviting students to attend and participate. Listed below are a handful of dates to mark in your calendar for events happening throughout this spring semester.  JAN. 16–26: ART LEAGUE’S STUDENT SHOW Art League is hosting...

Celebrating in song with Biola’s Chorale

Celebrating in song with Biola’s Chorale
Chorale anticipates a year of concerts, festivals and a music conference.
Patricia Yang, Editor-in-Chief September 27, 2023

The halls of Crowell Music Building echo with singing from the Biola University Chorale. Dr. Shawna Stewart, director of Chorale, and the 40 singers of the ensemble eagerly prepare for the various concerts and music festivals they will perform this year. UPCOMING CHORALE CONCERTS The chorale’s first...

“What are you listening to?” — Take a look at a Biola student playlist

“What are you listening to?” — Take a look at a Biola student playlist
Biola students share some songs that they are currently listening to.
Patricia Yang, Editor-in-Chief September 25, 2023

With Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and more, people have access to all kinds of music and can listen anywhere and everywhere. Biola students take full advantage of these services to listen to music while studying, relaxing or on the go. From instrumental to worship to pop, here are 7 songs that students...