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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Dr. Seuss captures the midterm election results

"i voted" sticker
The midterm election, though capturing colossal hype, gave average results.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor November 10, 2018

“While everyone cheered and their cheers filled the sky: ‘Fight! Fight for the Butter side UP! Do or die! Well . . . We didn't do. And we didn't quite die.” Dr. Seuss’ “The Butter Battle Book” captures the deflating tone in the wake of an overhyped colossal clash between the blue wave...

Millennials almost largest voting block, but have less than 50 percent turnout

Midterm campaign signs
The greatest barriers to millennials impacting an election is their own apathy combined with a deteriorating sense of civic duty.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor November 6, 2018

According to Politico, early voting has already surpassed 36 million votes, almost 9 million votes more than the 2014 midterm election. The Democrats’ drive to repudiate President Trump is only matched by the Republicans’ enthusiasm to defy expectations of losing control of the House of Representatives....

The rise of anti-social media

Caitlin Blackmon/THE CHIMES
Christians should learn to balance social media with their faith.
Samantha Russell, Writer October 4, 2017
Christians should learn to balance social media with their faith.

Bible study deeply roots millennials

Photo Courtesy of Felicity Lopez
Felicity Lorenz discusses her journey in creating devotionals for young adults.
Jessica Goddard, Writer September 16, 2017
Felicity Lorenz discusses her journey in creating devotionals for young adults.

Majority leader visits millennials

Majority leader visits millennials.
Daisy Gonzalez, Writer May 16, 2017
Majority leader visits millennials.

Marketplace feminism insults women’s intelligence
False empowerment in advertisements takes focus away from true activism.
Morgan Mitchell, Writer April 26, 2017
False empowerment in advertisements takes focus away from true activism.

Phone usage dominates all aspects of life

Students are increasingly over dependent on technology.
President Barry Corey, Writer April 25, 2017
Students are increasingly over dependent on technology.

Students likely to become contingent workers in future
Changing economy challenges traditional notions of employment and job security.
Lucas Weaver, Writer March 29, 2017
Changing economy challenges traditional notions of employment and job security.

Financial future shaky for millennials

Eliana Park/THE CHIMES
Threats to redact fiduciary rule harms retirees and future clients.
Lucas Weaver, Writer February 15, 2017
Threats to redact fiduciary rule harms retirees and future clients.

Biolans are disillusioned by presidential election

Students should be involved in politics now more than ever.
Justin Yun, Writer October 26, 2016
Students should be involved in politics now more than ever.

Pokemon Go players unknowingly interact with surroundings

Popular interactive phone game reveals human behavior and how millennials interact with an increasingly technological world.
Justin Yun, Writer September 6, 2016
Popular interactive phone game reveals human behavior and how millennials interact with an increasingly technological world.

Millennials desire improvement

Katie Evensen/THE CHIMES
A study finds that millennials prefer a better work life over monetary needs.
Alondra Urizar, Writer May 11, 2016
A study finds that millennials prefer a better work life over monetary needs.