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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

SGA Rundown: Christmas activities and student wellness

SGA Rundown: Christmas activities and student wellness
Senators discuss involvement opportunities and student support.
Hannah Larson, Staff Writer November 4, 2021

The Student Government Association discussed student wellness and resilience throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This week, senators planned Christmas activities to engage students during the holiday season. RESOURCES FOR STUDENT WELLNESS Dean of Student Wellness Lisa Igram gave a presentation on the...

Chimes News Quiz

Chimes News Quiz
Have you been following our coverage? Brush up on the biggest news stories of the past two weeks.
Julianne Foster, Staff Writer October 29, 2021

Chimes Fact Check: Coronavirus vaccinations

Chimes Fact Check: Coronavirus vaccinations
Misinformation about the vaccine is spreading—Here are the facts.
Marlena Lang, Photo Editor October 22, 2021

Approaching the two-year mark of the coronavirus pandemic, many are eager to return to normal life. According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical advisor to the president, normalcy may be restored as early as Spring 2022—though only if the “overwhelming majority of people” receive the COVID-19...

New COVID restrictions are met by debate and free football tickets

New COVID restrictions are met by debate and free football tickets
The city council voted in favor of proof of vaccination for entry into Los Angeles social settings.
David Alexander and Julianne Foster October 12, 2021

On Oct. 6, the Los Angeles City Council voted in favor of vaccine mandates that require residents to show proof of vaccination before entering restaurants, bars, museums, spas and other social settings. According to the Associated Press, proof of full vaccination will be required starting Nov. 4. According...

Students are willing to make sacrifices to stay on campus

Biola is experiencing declining enrollment as well as faculty and staff cuts.
An interview with students revealed their insights on new COVID-19 guidelines.
Caleb Britt, Staff Writer September 24, 2021

Going into the fifth week of classes, Biolans still enjoy the feeling of in-person classes, chapels and life in general. Events take place around campus and clubs meet throughout the week, providing opportunities for students to engage with their community and make memories together. An investigation...

Christians must overcome vaccination division

Christians must overcome vaccination division
It is crucial to keep an eternal perspective.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor September 20, 2021

During the pandemic, the world experienced a type of unity during difficult and unusual circumstances. The cornerstone of the United States is its namesake—the unification of people from all walks of life. However, over the past few months, people have begun to see divisions rise because of the social...

In the busyness of the semester, make time to rest

In the busyness of the semester, make time to rest
Here are five ways to set aside time for a sabbath rest.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor September 17, 2021

The semester is off to a running start and students are back in action. Classes are in full swing and homework loads are beginning to grow. Because the busyness of the semester can quickly overwhelm students, it is vital to find rest and relaxation in the midst of it all.  After an exhausting year...

Private universities navigate religious vaccination exemptions

Private universities navigate religious vaccination exemptions
Universities implement varying vaccination mandates.
Charlotte McKinley, Freelance Writer September 16, 2021

Christian universities across the United States approached the coronavirus vaccine mandates differently. Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, chose not to mandate the vaccine according to its immunizations page whereas Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, has mandated that all students be vaccinated....

Texas’ abortion restrictions protect the right of life for unborn babies

Texas’ abortion restrictions protect the right of life for unborn babies
The Heartbeat Act ensures that a child with a heartbeat will be allowed to take their first breath.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor September 13, 2021

Imagine the sound of a small heartbeat in the hospital’s empty hallways. Imagine the future of the unborn child—there are endless possibilities. They will grow up to have passions, pursue careers, form relationships and become their own person. They might struggle in life, as everyone does, but they...

Outbreak moves through heavily vaccinated nearby campus

Outbreak moves through heavily vaccinated nearby campus
Despite an 89% vaccination rate, Chapman University sees over 200 positive cases in first week.
Andi Basista, News Editor September 3, 2021

Many schools returned to in-person learning, transitioning away from virtual learning. While mask mandates at Biola University and other private institutions are in place due to the global pandemic, vaccination records are still of debate. All University of California campuses are requiring proof...

Safety measures at Biola ensure the continuation of in-person learning

Safety measures at Biola ensure the continuation of in-person learning
Biolans navigate fostering a healthy academic environment.
Lauren Vander Tuig, Staff Writer September 1, 2021

After 18 months of a global pandemic, desks are once again filled with university students and groups of students can be seen rushing to class. Many returning students may feel like strangers to campus after taking remote classes. Even simple tasks, such as sitting at desks for over an hour, is something...

Newsom’s strict COVID-19 restrictions affect California university students

Wikimedia Commons/Courtesy
Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recall election next week displays growing dissatisfaction among college students.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor August 30, 2021

For the first time since 2003, a California governor is fighting for his place in office as a recall election is set for Sept. 14. Because of his harsh COVID-19 policies, over two million California residents signed the recall petition for Gov. Gavin Newsom. If the vote to recall him is passed, the next...