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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Social media instigates chaos

Social media instigates chaos
The social media ban in Sri Lanka shows growing distrust in social media sites.
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor May 3, 2019

While Americans awoke to attend Easter sunrise services, watching children fill baskets with eggs and sitting down to eat lunch with their families, three Christian churches and three hotels in Sri Lanka were targeted in a series of terrorist bombings. The church bombings were carried out during Easter...

Christianity and socialism are totally incompatible

Christianity and socialism are totally incompatible
The gospel of Christ can have no part with the gospel of envy.
Brian Brooks, Freelance Writer March 2, 2019

(This story was originally published in print on Feb. 28, 2019). Luke tells us in Acts 4:32-35 that, in the early Church “all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.”...

SGA presidential campaign continues without competition

photo shows renee waller and seth gladysz
Unopposed candidates Renee Waller and Seth Gladysz want students to ‘pursue your passion.’
Julianna Hernandez, News Editor (Spring 2019) February 4, 2019

After a recent turn of events, junior political science major Renee Waller and sophomore political science major Seth Gladysz are now running for Student Government Association president and vice president unopposed this election cycle. Waller served as Hart Hall's SGA senator during the 2017-18 school...

Clean up crew comes through

Photo Courtesy of Clara Louise
Students helped clean up Joshua Tree during the government shutdown.
Julianna Hernandez, News Editor (Spring 2019) February 1, 2019

This story was originally published in print on Jan. 31, 2019.  Six students trekked to Joshua Tree National Park on Jan. 26 to aid in the cleanup of the park trashed during the government shutdown. On the day the students arrived, the 35-day government shutdown ended, allowing them to meet members...

SGA president adds new positions to executive team

Vice President of Diversity Mindy Kim talks during a Student Government Association meeting in Fall 2018.
McCoy implements large-scale changes to Biola’s student government.
Julianna Hernandez, News Editor (Spring 2019) January 25, 2019

Before Student Government Association president Sierra McCoy leaves office at the end of this semester, she intends to leave a lasting impact on how SGA operates, which includes creating new positions for what she says will produce greater efficiency. Currently, there are five vice president positions...

Failure and inaction plague gun control

There are ways to protect lives and gun rights at the same time.
Peter Rothermel VI, Freelance Writer April 11, 2018

The #MarchForOurLives and the raging debate over guns in America in the aftermath of the Parkland school shooting have led to many calls for “common sense” gun reform. This “common sense” gun reform consists of banning “assault rifles” like the AR-15. There are two weaknesses to this...

SMU navigates difficulty in election proposal

An image of the SMU logo
Over the last two years, SMU has continued to see changes to its presidential election process.
John Kay, Freelance Writer February 14, 2018

After a mix-up regarding the Student Missionary Union constitution, their board of directors have reverted back to an election process for this year’s SMU presidential election. Over the last two years, SMU has seen multiple changes to its presidential election process. In 2016-17, the board of...

Beyond the Bubble: Net neutrality sparks controversy

An illustration of a raised fist with a "Net Neutrality" background.
Students await FCC decision on net neutrality.
Quinn Gorham, Staff Writer December 2, 2017

The Federal Communications Commission will vote on whether or not to change current regulations on net neutrality on Dec. 14. FREEDOM OF THE NET Net neutrality determines whether Internet Service Providers can charge more based on the type of data presented on a webpage. Should net neutrality...

Professors speak on national debt level

Haley Russo, Freelance Writer December 2, 2017

Up to Us, a nationwide organization of student activists which raises awareness of the national debt, shared the realities of the debt the country faces by hosting an event Tuesday. UNDERSTANDING THE DATA Associate professor of political science Scott Waller and associate professor of finance Shane...

Speaker suggests solutions to poverty

American Enterprise Institute member Robert Doar talks to students about poverty alleviation.
A member of the American Enterprise Institute talked to students about assisting the poor.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief November 15, 2017

Morgridge Fellow in Poverty Studies at the American Enterprise Institute Robert Doar spoke to students about the importance of promoting labor and education to alleviate poverty on Monday. MEETING POVERTY WITH EDUCATION The consumption poverty rate fell to 3 percent in 2016, down from 6.1 percent...

Majority leader visits millennials

Majority leader visits millennials.
Daisy Gonzalez, Writer May 16, 2017
Majority leader visits millennials.

That Time I… was thrown into conservative chaos

Courtesy of Brooke Carlucci
In attending CPAC, I never thought I would see so many contrasting views on conservatism.
Brooke Carlucci, Writer March 8, 2017
In attending CPAC, I never thought I would see so many contrasting views on conservatism.