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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Hope continues to rise

Hope continues to rise
In a final battle against the darkness, Hope once again comes out on top.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief September 8, 2017
In a final battle against the darkness, Hope once again comes out on top.

Dancers line up

12-hour jive fest raises donations for Homeboy Industries and In the City.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer May 9, 2017
12-hour jive fest raises donations for Homeboy Industries and In the City.

Slowdive makes unprecedented return
The shoegaze trailblazers modernize their origins in self-titled release.
Kyle Kohner, Copy Editor & Office Manager May 9, 2017
The shoegaze trailblazers modernize their origins in self-titled release.

Mock Rock 2017

Apex flew to Neverland and stumbled upon a Mock Rock championship along the way.
Kyle Kohner and Brooks Ginnan April 28, 2017
Apex flew to Neverland and stumbled upon a Mock Rock championship along the way.

Ballet Glorify showcases God-centered dance

Biolan dance club sets the tone for Easter through ballet.
Sabrina-faire Trujillo, Writer April 12, 2017
Biolan dance club sets the tone for Easter through ballet.

Students can dance the night away on campus

Courtesy of
Biola University will hold its first ever dance fundraiser.
Hannah Miller, Writer April 5, 2017
Biola University will hold its first ever dance fundraiser.

Senators meet with Corey

SGA Logo
SGA members have the opportunity to ask President Corey questions and vote on proposals.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer November 1, 2016
SGA members have the opportunity to ask President Corey questions and vote on proposals.

In the mood for Porches

Maxwell Heilman/THE CHIMES
The band astonished at their second sold-out show at The Echoplex this year.
Brooks Ginnan, Writer September 20, 2016
The band astonished at their second sold-out show at The Echoplex this year.

Nationball hits again

Jacob Knopf/THE CHIMES
Immense planning goes into this Biola tradition.
Jessica Goddard, Writer September 7, 2016
Immense planning goes into this Biola tradition.

Maharlika brings the Philippines to Biola

Biola’s Philippines Culture Night shares unique traditions.
Bethany Higa, Writer April 20, 2016
Biola’s Philippines Culture Night shares unique traditions.

Worship without words

Cherri Yoon/THE CHIMES [file photo]
Student Kathryn Homoki and alumna Lydia Rankin share how non-verbal worship provides another layer to the worship experience.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer March 9, 2016
Student Kathryn Homoki and alumna Lydia Rankin share how non-verbal worship provides another layer to the worship experience.

Hacktivist break out of the box
The UK quintet’s debut does rap metal justice.
Maxwell Heilman, Writer March 8, 2016
The UK quintet’s debut does rap metal justice.