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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

SCORR team plans to engage community

SCORR conference leaders
With a new mentorship program, the SCORR staff hope to continue the conversation.
Julianna Hernandez, News Editor (Spring 2019) February 6, 2018

After months of planning, the Student Congress on Racial Reconciliationstudent directors and coordinators have started putting the finishing touches on sessions, community events, visitor housing and how SCORR will make a lasting impact. With less than two weeks left before the conference begins, it...

Women unapologetically delve into apologetics

Speaker at the women's apologetics conference
At the inaugural Women in Apologetics conference, women give intellectual arguments for the Gospel.
Julianna Hernandez, News Editor (Spring 2019) January 24, 2018

Women of all ages, grandmothers, mothers, daughters, students and a few men gathered to worship together in spirit and in truth in Calvary Chapel. With hands raised and minds open to receiving the Word of God, women gathered to attend the first Women in Apologetics Conference held on campus on Jan....

Missionaries witness to practical work

Eliana Park/THE CHIMES
Yearly fair brings vocational opportunities to students and organizations.
Jessica Goddard, Writer March 16, 2017
Yearly fair brings vocational opportunities to students and organizations.

Equipping leaders to defend their faith

Biola Apologetics educates churches around the country.
Jana Eller, Office Manager March 1, 2017
Biola Apologetics educates churches around the country.

SCORR prepares to repair

This year’s SCORR conference adds training for faculty and a storytelling session.
Jana Eller, Office Manager February 14, 2017
This year’s SCORR conference adds training for faculty and a storytelling session.

Repair requires rapidity

SCORR bridges racial breaches, but awareness wavers.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer February 14, 2017
SCORR bridges racial breaches, but awareness wavers.

SCORR prepares to repair

This year’s SCORR conference adds training for faculty and a storytelling session.
Jana Eller, Office Manager February 13, 2017
This year’s SCORR conference adds training for faculty and a storytelling session.

Eagles ground Hawks on senior night

Jacob Knopf/ THE CHIMES
Men’s soccer shuts down San Diego Christian for second consecutive win.
Kyle Kohner, Copy Editor & Office Manager October 26, 2016
Men’s soccer shuts down San Diego Christian for second consecutive win.

Show vulnerability in the midst of shame.

In session A, Curt Thompson discusses the act of abandoning shame and taking on vulnerability by testimonial discussion.   |   Jacob Knopf/ THE CHIMES
In session A, Curt Thompson discusses the act of abandoning shame and taking on vulnerability by testimonial discussion.
Kendall Jarboe, Writer October 19, 2016
In session A, Curt Thompson discusses the act of abandoning shame and taking on vulnerability by testimonial discussion.

Knowing the end of shame

Jacob Knopf/ THE CHIMES
Curt Thompson delivers a message designed to divert us onto a path heading away from shame and toward the Lord.
Joseph Lyons, Writer October 19, 2016
Curt Thompson delivers a message designed to divert us onto a path heading away from shame and toward the Lord.

Couples who go deeper together, stay together

Caroline Sommers/ THE CHIMES [file]
Annual marriage conference urges couples to enhance in knowledge.
Jocelyn Meza, Writer October 4, 2016
Annual marriage conference urges couples to enhance in knowledge.

Humility: the root of all good

Eliana Park/ THE CHIMES
Biola’s annual conference supports political conversation instead of voting apathy.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer September 20, 2016
Biola’s annual conference supports political conversation instead of voting apathy.