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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Perseverance fulfilled dreams

Jessica Goddard/THE CHIMES
Chief Ojeisekhoba endured a circuitous route to reach America.
Jessica Goddard, Writer November 8, 2017
Chief Ojeisekhoba endured a circuitous route to reach America.

Campus Safety alerts cause concerns

Christian Leonard/THE CHIMES
Students show divided feelings towards Biola alert systems.
Alison Hartzler, Writer November 7, 2017
Students show divided feelings towards Biola alert systems.

Students encounter assault suspect

Christian Leonard/THE CHIMES
Campus Safety captures assailant after students spot him loitering around dorms.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief November 1, 2017
Campus Safety captures assailant after students spot him loitering around dorms.

Crime Log ― Oct. 17 – 25

Crime Log ― Oct. 17 - 25
Vandalism and Trespassing overwhelm this week's Crime log.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief October 30, 2017
Vandalism and Trespassing overwhelm this week's Crime log.

All clear given for active shooter alert

a man sits in the back of a squad car as a deputy looks over his notes
Campus Safety apprehends two suspects near Hart Hall for assault with a deadly weapon.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief October 29, 2017
Campus Safety apprehends two suspects near Hart Hall for assault with a deadly weapon.

Holiday housing presents a Christmas gift

Caitlin Gaines/THE CHIMES
Students can stay on campus for free during winter break.
Victoria Chiang, Copy Editor October 23, 2017
Students can stay on campus for free during winter break.

Earthquake simulator shakes up students

Caitlin Blackmon/THE CHIMES
Participants brave a 7.8 quake simulation to put preparation into practice.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief October 18, 2017
Participants brave a 7.8 quake simulation to put preparation into practice.

Crime Log ― Oct. 10 – 17

Crime Log ― Oct. 10 - 17
Vandalism, disturbing the peace and couple cases of fire starting make up this week's crime log.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief October 17, 2017
Vandalism, disturbing the peace and couple cases of fire starting make up this week's crime log.

Crime Log — Sept. 26 – Oct. 3

Crime Log — Sept. 26 – Oct. 3
A couple of Obscene/Threatening phone Calls, petty theft and trespassing makes up this week's crime log
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief October 5, 2017
A couple of Obscene/Threatening phone Calls, petty theft and trespassing makes up this week's crime log

Senators hear from Chief Ojeisekhoba

SGA Logo
SGA hosts first open proposals of the semester.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer October 4, 2017
SGA hosts first open proposals of the semester.

Crime Log: Sept. 19 ― Sept. 26

Crime Log: Sept. 19 ― Sept. 26
Petty Theft and Hit and Run make up a large majority of this week's Crime Log.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief September 28, 2017
Petty Theft and Hit and Run make up a large majority of this week's Crime Log.

Crime Log: Sept. 12 – 19

Crime Log: Sept. 12 - 19
A multitude of incidents make ups his week's Crime Log.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief September 21, 2017
A multitude of incidents make ups his week's Crime Log.