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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Oct. 4 SGA Senate recap: proposal for Deck the Haven

Student Government Association Staff 2024-2025
The Senate meeting on Oct. 4 presents its first big proposal, Deck the Haven
Jamileh Lopez, News Editor October 8, 2024

An earlier version of this article mentioned that SGA’s budget for the year is $7000. This is an error. SGA’s budget for the semester is $7000. The Chimes regrets this error and is committed to correcting all errors of fact. Readers are urged to notify the staff of such errors as soon as possible.   On...

Alpha resident crashes into window

The broken glass window in Alpha Hall Stair 4
Ambulance called and medical attention given to bandaged student
Olivia Kam and Joseph Abboud September 9, 2024

With both an injured student and a broken window, Alpha Hall faces a time of recovery and repair. Brian Phillips, associate vice president of Facility and Auxiliary Operations, provided information about the restoration of the window. “The estimated damage to the window will be approximately...

Stand Up For Your Community

Stand Up For Your Community
A recap of the Stand Up For Your Community event.
Natalie Fassnacht, News Editor February 7, 2024

Chase Gymnasium was quiet as roughly 100 students arrived to participate in Stand Up For Your Community on the night of Jan 25. Residential advisors and directors stood at the door as they scanned students into the event. Stand Up For Your Community was targeted towards first-year and new transfer students. “We...

Strange symbols spotted

Graffiti found around campus, this one being at the Fireplace Pavilion.
Mysterious mark of vandalism appears around Biola's campus.
Olivia Kam, News Editor October 24, 2023

A peculiar graffiti image has been seen by many students all over Biola’s campus since the start of the 2023-24 school year. One is near the Fireplace Pavilion on the ledges enclosing the sitting area. There are two just outside Biola’s cafeteria. The most recent one that appeared is on a table in...

OCC claims the Nationball Champion title

OCC celebrates their win.
Biola’s long-running tradition continues but ushers in major changes.
Lauren Yee and Dalet Valles September 9, 2023

The new semester has kicked off as incoming and returning students fought to claim the Nationball Champion title. The long-standing tradition of dodgeball between Biola’s “nations,” dorms and the off-campus+community (OCC), ushered in dozens of students to represent their teams with pride.  “I...

Chimes News Quiz!

Chimes News Quiz!
Have you been following our coverage? Brush up on the biggest news stories of the past two weeks.
Dalet Valles, Editor-in-Chief February 21, 2023

Car fire erupts on campus

Firefighters put out a car fire on campus.
Campus Safety and local fire department extinguish blaze.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief February 16, 2023

On Feb. 16 around 1:30 p.m. Campus Safety was notified of smoke under the soccer field coming from a staff member’s car that caught fire.  Campus Safety, the sprinkler system and the local fire department extinguished the car fire. There were no injuries nor damage to other cars. Campus Safety...

Crime Log ― Sept. 19–Oct. 17

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
This crime log includes vandalism and grand theft.
Dalet Valles and Phoebe Vrable October 19, 2022

Hit and Run — Lower Campus Parking (Lot G) Reported on Sept. 19, occurred between Sept. 18 at 1 p.m. and Sept. 19 at 8 p.m. A student-owned vehicle was hit on lower campus. No note was left, and the case is still under investigation.  Hit and Run — Sutherland Parking (Lot B) Reported on Sept....

Crime Log ― March 22 – April 5

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
This crime log includes vandalism and hit and runs.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor April 5, 2022

Vandalism ― Jesus Saves Parking Garage (Lot S) Multiple instances of vandalism using spray paint were reported between March 22 and March 30.  Campus Safety officers made four separate reports after finding vandalism on the 1st floor, 4th floor and two separate locations on the 5th floor of the...

Crime Log ― Feb. 15 – March 8

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
This Crime Log includes instances of trespassing, extortion and theft.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor March 8, 2022

Fraudulent Use of Access Card ― Student Services Building and Library Reported Feb. 25 at 9:03 a.m., occurred prior. The ID Card office reported the fraudulent use of an access card after a card was reported missing. The card was reportedly used twice, though Campus Safety does not know whether...

Crime Log ― Feb. 1 – Feb. 14

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
This week's crime log includes instances of petty theft and a hit and run.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor February 15, 2022

Petty Theft ― The Cafe Report Feb. 8 at 5:51 p.m., occurred Feb. 8 between 4:25 and 5:50 p.m. A student reported an instance of theft after their property was taken from outside the cafeteria. The property was returned and the case was referred to Student Development. Hit and Run ― University...

Power outage leaves Biola in the dark

Power outage leaves Biola in the dark
Across campus buildings lost power, and the cause remains unknown.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor February 6, 2022

This afternoon Biola’s campus lost power for an hour. According to Chief of Campus Safety John Ojeisekhoba, Campus Safety quickly activated a low-level alert across their emergency operation center. Ojeisekhoba reported that the cause of the outage is currently unknown. COMMUNICATION Campus Safety...