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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

SGA Rundown: proposed budget cuts for SMU, SMB, SGA and Campus Engagement

SGA Rundown: proposed budget cuts for SMU, SMB, SGA and Campus Engagement
Senators vote on amendment proposal, push financial vote to next week and hear updates on the fall semester.
Sophia Silvester, Staff Writer April 24, 2020

The Student Government Association met on Thursday to hear from a representative from the Student Media Board and to vote on President Renee Waller’s proposal regarding the financial controller position. 1% PROPOSED CUT Journalism professor Michael Longinow visited the meeting to discuss the proposal...

SGA Rundown: Senators vote on proposals and hear student group updates

SGA Rundown: Senators vote on proposals and hear student group updates
Senators reported their student feedback results and made decisions on last week’s proposals.
Sophia Silvester, Staff Writer January 30, 2020

This week, the Student Government Association met in the Metzger Hall conference room, overlooking students studying on Metzger lawn. Senators gathered to vote on two proposals and hear from two guests.  SURVEY RESULTS Senators looked over the results of last week’s survey regarding two proposals....

SGA Rundown: Senate reconvenes to establish new semester goals

SGA Rundown: Senate reconvenes to establish new semester goals
The senate reviewed last semester and brainstormed ideas for the upcoming semester.
Sophia Silvester, Staff Writer January 16, 2020

This week's Student Government Association meeting started off with all staff members sharing with each other about how God worked in their winter breaks. They also broke off into two-person "prayer pods," a new aspect of SGA meetings that president Renee Waller and vice president Seth Gladysz are implementing...

SGA Rundown: honoring a promise

The new SGA logo
The senate votes on multiple proposals concerning the money being paid to GSPD and SEID.
Lacey Patrick, Editor-in-Chief December 12, 2019

Senators were bundled up in their pajamas and dined on Chick-fil-A during this week’s meeting to celebrate their last meeting of the semester. Thomas Burgess, vice president of finance, human resources and technology, shared last week that the Student Government Association had committed to pay $16,500...

SGA Rundown: Biola ShakeOut and voting on proposals

SGA Rundown: Biola ShakeOut and voting on proposals
Senators voted on open proposals and were updated on the ShakeOut event.
Lacey Patrick, Editor-in-Chief September 26, 2019

Chief of Campus Safety John Ojeisekhoba kicked off this week's Student Government Association meeting by presenting the ShakeOut event. The senate also voted on multiple proposals that were presented during last week’s meeting.  WOVEN CONFERENCE The Woven Conference would require 20% of SGA’s...

Meet your 2019-2020 senatorial candidates

Meet your 2019-2020 senatorial candidates
This year’s senate race features a two-way competition for the Horton senator position.
Brittany Ung, Web Editor February 8, 2019

Editor’s note: The candidates’ responses to the following Q&A were received by email and have been edited slightly for style. Keren Godwin | Horton Hall Year: Freshman Major: Communication Studies Why do you want to represent your community / dorm in SGA? “My slogan is, ‘Give your...