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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Danita Estorga nominated for Player of the Decade

Danita Estorga nominated for Player of the Decade
The women’s basketball star was voted into the race for Central Coast Girls Basketball Player of the Decade.
Andi Basista and Grace Morales November 12, 2020

Hailing from Righetti High School in Santa Maria, California, junior Psychology major Danita Estorga found herself among 15 other respectable women’s basketball players in the race for Central Coast Girls Basketball Player of the Decade. The award is meant to recognize athletes for their excellence...

Life as an athlete in the Biola Bubble

Life as an athlete in the Biola Bubble
Biola has kept its doors open to Eagle athletes, creating a small isolated community of competitors on campus.
Laura Song and Andi Basista November 4, 2020

Biola’s campus is a ghost town. Athletes are not allowed to interact with people that are not on their team. Full-contact practices are limited. Getting meals is a race through the cafeteria—fully masked and at a 6-foot distance at all times—to simply get food to-go. Athletes then return to their...

Outdoor conditioning canceled due to wildfires

Outdoor conditioning canceled due to wildfires
All team activities have been temporarily postponed and will be assessed on a day-to-day basis as Blue Ridge and Silverado fires burn.
Andi Basista, News Editor October 29, 2020

Early in the morning on Monday, the Silverado Fire ignited the skies as more than 11,000 acres of the Santa Ana Mountains began to burn. About six hours later, the neighboring eastern edge of Yorba Linda and Chino Hills Blue Ridge Fire caught flame as well, scorching nearly 15,200 acres at the time. Excessive...

Biola Athletics begins weekly COVID-19 testing

Biola Athletics begins weekly COVID-19 testing
As Biola moves into Phase 2 of their COVID-19 Action Plan, student nurses are teaming up with Athletics to test players for the virus.
Andi Basista, News Editor October 23, 2020

It has been a little over a month since Biola began their three-part reopening COVID-19 Action Plan. On Oct. 8, the Athletic Department transitioned from a highly restrictive Phase 1 into a slightly more relaxed Phase 2. Athletes on campus are still expected to maintain 6-foot social distancing measures,...

Athletes being tested for COVID-19

Athletes being tested for COVID-19
The Department of Nursing has paired up with Biola Athletics to start weekly testing of athletes.
Andi Basista, News Editor October 8, 2020

On Tuesday night, Brandon Taylor, Biola’s assistant sports information director, stated that Biola Athletics has shifted into Phase 2 of Biola’s COVID-19 Action Plan. “In partnership with the Health Center and the Biola Nursing Program, Biola Athletics has begun weekly COVID-19 testing to ensure...

Biola Athletics continues scholarships

Biola Athletics continues scholarships
The Athletics Department decided to award aid to athletes even with COVID-19 pushing back the fall season to next year.
Andi Basista, News Editor October 5, 2020

While some colleges and universities across the country are picking back up sports competitions, Biola and the PacWest have decided to sit this semester out as a safety precaution due to COVID-19. Since athletes are not traveling and competing in games this semester, the financial aid athletes were supposed...

Athletics’ adjustments to COVID-19 safety measures

Athletics’ adjustments to COVID-19 safety measures
Biola welcomed student-athletes back on campus under stringent NCAA protocols.
Andi Basista and Maria Weyne September 24, 2020

On Monday, Sept. 14, fall sport athletes were cleared of the 14-day Initial Quiet Period put in place by the Eagles Athletics COVID-19 Action Plan. Student-athletes were placed under a strict quarantine, required by the PacWest Conference and the NCAA Sport Science Institute to try and keep coronavirus...

Biola baseball upgrades Eagles Diamond

Photo Courtesy of Maria Weyne
Biola Athletics underwent renovations on the baseball field in the midst of a pandemic.
Ashley Grams and Andi Basista September 15, 2020

Biola baseball was well on the road toward a national championship when COVID-19 first struck. After the virus canceled the remainder of the season, things went dark in the sports world. But not for our baseball team. On Aug. 22, Biola Athletics took to Instagram to show off the newly renovated Eagles...

Why the NBA’s decision to sit out matters

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
Biola students share their experiences during a time of racial tension.
Andi Basista, News Editor September 2, 2020

On Aug. 26, the Milwaukee Bucks were scheduled to compete in game 5 of their playoff matchup between the Orlando Magic inside of the COVID-19 inspired NBA bubble at Walt Disney World in Florida. When the clock hit 4 p.m. EST. and the Bucks were nowhere to be seen for the start of play, an unprecedented...

From the editors: Life without sports—what do we do?

COVID-19 interrupted and suspended all sports indefinitely. Now, it is a time for adjustments.
Zachary Devane and Andi Basista April 29, 2020

The way of life has changed for Americans due to the COVID-19 pandemic. People all around the country are stuck at home due to stay-at-home orders issued by the government, resulting in millions of people being out of work. People are cooped up and bored, searching for hope in these uncertain times....

Athletics appoints Torrey Stricklin as men’s soccer head coach

Athletics appoints Torrey Stricklin as men’s soccer head coach
Stricklin takes the place of Todd Elkins, who stepped down in November 2019.
Zachary Devane, Deputy Sports Editor April 13, 2020

Lee University’s Torrey Stricklin will replace Todd Elkins as Biola’s men soccer head coach, starting with the fall 2020 season. After Elkins' shock resignation following Biola men’s soccer 2019 season, the team had a gaping hole in the coaching department. The future suddenly seemed uncertain...

NCAA grants extra year of eligibility

NCAA grants extra year of eligibility
Spring athletes can claim an extra year of spring competition due to COVID-19.
Andi Basista, News Editor April 6, 2020

The NCAA Council has granted an extra year of eligibility for all spring season athletes who had their seasons cut short or canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak. The extension is applicable to all spring student-athletes, not just seniors.  NCAA rules usually limit athletes to only four seasons...