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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Letter to the editor: do not eat this turkey

Paul Rood, Freelance Writer November 30, 2017

The opinion piece, “Carving the proverbial turkey,” which claims the Pilgrim’s First Thanksgiving is “fake history” is rather an example of “fake news” making ideologically constructed claims without careful factual research and vetting of sources. The author states that “Americans should...

Spend less this Christmas

Spend less this Christmas
Save money, tithe and let Santa do the rest.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor November 28, 2017

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF FINANCIAL STABILITY Work hard—Proverbs 28:19 Do not covet—Exodus 20:17 Do not impulse spend—Isaiah 55:2 Create a budget—Proverbs 21:5 Honor God First—Proverbs 3:9-10 Give Him the firstfruits of your labors God can do more with 90 percent than...

Biola, choose: pay more or require less

Biola, choose: pay more or require less
Residence Life should not place unproportional expectations on students working as Resident Advisors.
Samantha Gassaway, Staff Manager November 28, 2017

Resident Advisors present a unique hurdle struggling students must overcome to seek help. Rather than presenting a warm, invitational atmosphere meant to comfort the model student-in-need, intimidation often characterizes speaking to an RA—especially in times of additional strife. Biola Residence...

Carve the proverbial turkey

Carve the proverbial turkey
Americans should acknowledge Thanksgiving as a holiday founded upon genocide.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor November 14, 2017

Thanksgiving looks like happy turkeys and smiling pilgrims and shirtless “Indians” with headdresses of gold, red and orange. It connotes happy hand turkeys and stretchy pants and your mom’s cheesy flip-a-grams of you and your siblings throughout the years. We reflect on our blessings, take second...

Pay for Paradise

Pay for Paradise
The price of nature equates billions.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor November 14, 2017

In CNN’s most recent update, a story entitled “They bought paradise in Patagonia” was released. The Biolan’s mind goes straight to the athletic camping brand. This story, however, focuses on the earth-preserving actions of a middle-aged couple. Doug Tompkins, a previous owner of The North Face,...

Opium addicts cry for escape

Opium addicts cry for escape
The Aids Epidemic lives in the 21st century.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor November 14, 2017

“Are you afraid you’re going to die from this?” “I know that I am.” This question was posed by a CNN reporter, who covered the story of the Opioid Epidemic. This story centralized on one city, Massachusetts, where much of the homeless population is around the age of 30, and addicted to...

Shooter scares a third time

Christian Leonard/THE CHIMES
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor November 13, 2017

7:42 P.M. “BIOLA EMERGENCY ALERT: (Active shooter/ Person with gun) near (area/building). Based on your location, RUN to safety, HIDE or FIGHT. Campus is on lockdown.” Students, faculty and staff received the above text from Campus Safety on Sunday Oct. 29, sending the campus into panic. Resident...

Divorce your stereotypes

Caitlin Blackmon/THE CHIMES
Children separate fact from truth.
Santa-Victoria Perez, Writer November 8, 2017
Children separate fact from truth.

Political isolation causes moral atrophy

Photo Courtesy of Adam Ferriss
We reflect as one year with Trump ends.
Jason Stephens, Writer November 8, 2017
We reflect as one year with Trump ends.

Christians should pursue

Caitlin Gaines/THE CHIMES
November 2, 2017

“We Are Here”

Christians should acknowledge incarcerated women as deserving of human rights.
Ashley Brimmage, Writer October 31, 2017
Christians should acknowledge incarcerated women as deserving of human rights.

Morality sought sans belief

Illustration by Nicole Landon/THE CHIMES
Where purpose meets the world’s cry for Christ.
Ashley Brimmage, Writer October 31, 2017
Where purpose meets the world’s cry for Christ.