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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Church youth are called to speak

Church youth are called to speak
Examine Elihu as an example of admonishment.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor February 6, 2018

Upon entering Biola, students are encouraged to get involved in the local church. We have heard President Barry Corey and others in authority speak on the importance and influence of involvement in community upon spiritual and personal growth. FEED OTHERS—STOP TAKING So we volunteer, get hired...

‘Do you think I am fat?’

'Do you think I am fat?'
Chrissy Metz’s self-acceptance inspires self love in the presence of the three letter “f” word.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor February 3, 2018

Last week, I watched a new episode of This Is Us with my dad. If you know the show, you know one of the three siblings, Kate, portrayed by Chrissy Metz, struggles with weight and body image. The episode focused on the mother, Mandy Moore’s character, and her concern for her daughter’s weight....

Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow” banned in American prisons

Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow” banned in American prisons
Call out systematic, structural racism and you might just get banned.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor January 31, 2018

While researchers at Pew Research center have recently claimed the number of black Americans imprisoned has declined substantially within America, almost by 25 percent since 2009, a general fear seems to exist in prison systems when the term “New Jim Crow” is used. PRISONS BANNING BOOKS Particularly,...

The church ‘deals’ with sexual assault

The church ‘deals’ with sexual assault
Grace is not prison and counseling is not consequence.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor January 30, 2018

We all remember the Duggars: a family who had represented the extremely conservative qualities of the Christian faith until May of 2002. The eldest Duggar child, Josh, then began to come forward with multiple confessions of sexually assaulting victims—including his younger sisters—to his parents. Below...

Russell Brand reminds the Church to witness

Biblically-educated Christians forget the urgency of the gospel.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor January 30, 2018

In the most recent edition of Relevant Magazine, Russell Brand states: BRAND MEETS JESUS “There’s a famous quote that goes ‘Every man who knocks on a brothel door, he’s looking for God.’ Crack houses and these dens of suffering and illicit activity, they are all people trying to feel good...

Give the arts a chance

Give the arts a chance
Humanities students struggle to attain jobs after college due to lack of prior experience.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor January 24, 2018

Intercultural studies majors have the requirement of serving overseas with a missions organization of their choice to attain experience in the field they intend to go into as a graduation requirement.They have missions prep-courses and spend time preparing for and debriefing from their internship. REQUIRE...

Watch a movie that will bring out the kid in you

Watch a movie that will bring out the kid in you
“The Greatest Showman” embodies child-like faith of Matthew 18:2-4.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor January 23, 2018

Over the holidays, I went to see “The Greatest Showman” with family, and like most of America, I was swept up in wonder. The film portrays a childlike wonder and hope for a world full of joy and creativity—a way of living life differently and seeing beauty and possibility in everything. The song,...

Human beings matter more than drugs

Human beings matter more than drugs
Transferring illegal drugs wrongly bears stricter punishments than transferring humans.
Samantha Gassaway January 23, 2018

According to federal law, the purchase, selling or transferring of drugs off the legal market results in two to five years in prison at the minimum. Some convicts face 35-to-life depending on the severity of crime, length of time dealing, amount of substance and type of substance carried. THE VALUE...

Head shaving trend and what it means for ideals of femininity

Head shaving trend and what it means for ideals of femininity
Women with buzz cuts show how radical steps toward confidence pay off.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor January 23, 2018

Bringing in this new year, one of my friends held a head shaving party at her house. We played a board game, and the winner of each round got to cut off a piece of her then shoulder-length hair. At the end of the game, she shaved it all off. I expected an emotional experience—tears brought to her eyes...

Gone home for the holidays

Gone home for the holidays
Family time causes regression of collegiate self.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor December 6, 2017

The holidays, while joyous, are one of the most opportune moments for spiritual warfare to occur. Angry and irrational, our opinions stifled by our parents, we get that text message: the old group from high school is going to the old playground. It is our chance to rebel. Out the window jumps all sense...

Corey’s Corner: The abbey makes space for the soul

Corey’s Corner: The abbey makes space for the soul
Barry Corey breaks the silence after month of study leave.
President Barry Corey December 5, 2017

At this time during the fall semester, most Biola students are about to ramp up for finals in order to wind down for Christmas. Winding down is a discipline good for the soul. Last month I took a study leave, decelerating my pace in order to rest and to ponder, to look back in order to look forward....

“Christian”: a label given to classify cliches

Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor December 2, 2017

Within Biola culture, there is a general familiarity with the use of “Christian” as a classifying adjective. “Christian” bookstores, rock bands and novels all seem to have earned a negative connotation, and many of us, as soon as we graduate, ditch the label. We see the Christianizing of our...