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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Culture strips church of identity

Culture strips church of identity
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor March 13, 2018

Over spring break, B Street Theatre opened a new season featuring the play "Gandhi!", a story about a middle school boy in detention who must read Gandhi's autobiography. In each passing scene, Monhondus begins to delight in the lessons of his people’s ancestor. The play climaxes with Monhondus...

Toxic masculinity needs to be defined and addressed

Toxic masculinity needs to be defined and addressed
Toxic masculinity needs to be defined and addressed​.
Eric Nimmo, Freelance Writer March 6, 2018

In the wake of the most recent mass shooting, a conversation has erupted on the unacceptable increase of mass shootings in the United States. Often, political leanings determine which overused and underdeveloped platitude you state as the solution to the problem.  The meme-fueled debate often serves...

Ohio judge removes custody of transgender teenager from parents

Ohio judge removes custody of transgender teenager from parents
Court ruling transforms a parental protection into a state authority.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor March 6, 2018

Recently, Ohio Hamilton County judge Silvia Hendon ruled against religious freedom and parental rights. She handed custody of a 17-year-old transgender teenager to the grandparents after the parents refused to endorse hormone therapy. The judge described the situation as “gut-wrenching” and expressed...

The Civil Rights Movement—discover advocates of then and today

Advocates use social media to promote awareness of influential members of the Civil Rights Movement.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor February 21, 2018

NOTE *** All of this information was gathered off of @itsourbookclub’s Instagram stories and then backed up by research. This piece is meant to advocate for the understanding and seeking out of truth about activists and history makers of the past. This February’s Black History month, social media...

Gender preferences can affect income

Gender preferences can affect income
Stanford and Chicago University Study finds Uber pay gap not sexist.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor February 20, 2018

Stanford University, the University of Chicago and Uber Technologies, Inc. released a new study, entitled “The Gender Earnings Gap in the Gig Economy: Evidence from over a Million Rideshare Drivers,” on Feb. 6. The study was a product of a multi-year, first-of-its-kind research project into the...

To defend liberty, one must defend life

To defend liberty, one must defend life
The importance of an ordered liberty: A response to “Trump supports March for Life.”
Peter Rothermel VI, Freelance Writer February 20, 2018

Disclaimer: This piece was written in response to “Trump supports March for Life,” published Feb. 6. A recent article in the Chimes argued Christians should not support restrictions on abortion—or dismembering babies in the womb—because, “A restrictionist government is non-democratic.”...

DACA—Immigration policy limits political solutions

DACA—Immigration policy limits political solutions
International policy should affect immigration policy.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor February 13, 2018

On Feb. 7, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi set the record for the longest house floor speech since at least 1909, speaking on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients. While the immigration debate began during the last presidential election, the question of what to do with illegal immigrants...

Nigel, the loneliest bird

Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor February 13, 2018

The New York Times recently published a piece on the story of a seabird named Nigel who lived in New Zealand. In an attempt to get this species of bird to return to the island—which interestingly enough is called Mana Island—they built stone birds, painted their beaks to resemble that of the...

Turn Your Campus encourages increase in diversity

Turn Your Campus encourages increase in diversity
Campus fills with people of color through the faces of young students.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor February 13, 2018

Once every year, unbeknownst to many students—except to those who go to the Caf between 12 and 3 p.m. on Saturdays—Biola hosts hundreds of junior high and high school students from all over Orange and LA counties and their surrounding areas. I have had the opportunity to serve with Turn Your Campus twice...

Trump supports March for Life

Trump supports March for Life
“The most pro-life President in American history” encroaches on right to liberty.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor February 6, 2018

According to Fox News, on Friday Jan. 19, President Donald Trump gave a speech at the Rose Garden, which was live-streamed to those at the March for Life at the National Mall. PRO-LIFE PRESIDENT “The first-ever live speech by a president to the pro-life activists of the annual March for Life...

China’s Christians set an example

China’s Christians set an example
A shift in worldview allows for a grateful attitude.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor February 6, 2018

Recently, I had a discussion with a girl in my small group. Her name is Minji and she had just joined our church upon coming back from studying abroad in China for a year. She spoke of their underground church, and the way they worshipped quietly, in the dark, in secret, and how amazing it felt to be...

Corey’s Corner: Sensitivity without hypersensitivity

Corey’s Corner: Sensitivity without hypersensitivity
DBC offers academic direction in today’s political climate.
President Barry Corey February 6, 2018

Christian Smith is a sociologist at the University of Notre Dame. He studied at Wheaton and Gordon Colleges and has held academic posts at Gordon and the University of North Carolina before heading to South Bend. He has got an ever-keen mind and an often-pointed pen. That pen inked a story last...