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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Disinformation manipulates social media users

Disinformation manipulates social media users
Cambridge Analytica scandal exposes social media toxicity.
Justin Yun, Freelance Writer April 4, 2018

The term “compassion fatigue”—used by journalists to describe the public’s gradual desensitization and apathy to news of war in the electronic age can also be used to describe the behavior people exhibit when they hear another news story about the latest online privacy violation. Most social...

Students nationwide lead the movement to end gun violence

Students nationwide lead the movement to end gun violence
Reflections on gun violence: a response to “#Walkout allows political activists to target students.”
Justin Yun, Freelance Writer April 3, 2018

Very few issues make their rounds through the American press, and the nature of social media platforms allows the topic of gun violence and school shootings to circulate even quicker.  Politically charged YouTube videos, angry tweets and a noisy panoply of soundbites have done nothing but exacerbate...

Sanctification need not stop at Lent

Sanctification need not stop at Lent
Becoming like Jesus begins today.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor April 3, 2018

“Fasting,” writes Gary Rohrmayer “is more about longing for the power and presence of Jesus than restricting our appetites.” This year for Lent I decided to fast from coffee. The motivation behind this was not my mass consumption of it—although I do drink a lot of coffee. I fasted from coffee...

Orange County votes to join federal lawsuit against California

Orange County votes to join federal lawsuit against California
County officials believe California sanctuary laws violate their oath to uphold the United States’ Constitution.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor April 3, 2018

You go to In-N-Out and order a double-double. After receiving your burger, you notice it is not fully cooked, the meat is red and blood appears to be dripping onto the wrapper. Flagging down an associate, you request another burger because yours appears undercooked. The associate responds, “Oh, you...

Solving the gun debate means understanding the other side

Solving the gun debate means understanding the other side
The gun control debate reaches its limits with the current rhetoric.
Eric Nimmo, Freelance Writer March 27, 2018

The gun debate rhetoric seems to have caused humanity to think the worst of each other. It should not be like this. When discussing tragic and heavy topics—such as how to respond to a tragedy like the Parkland shooting—charity should be always present in viewing our political opponents position....

James’ peach and James’ faith encourages Christians to pursue works

James’ peach and James’ faith encourages Christians to pursue works
It is not enough for us to be well with our own soul, we must address the objective needs of the suffering.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor March 27, 2018

“Well, maybe it started that way. As a dream, but doesn’t everything. Those buildings. These lights. This whole city. Somebody had to dream about it first. And maybe that is what I did. I dreamed about coming here, but then I did it.” THE ADVENTURE OF FAITH For James, in “James and the Giant...

#Walkout allows political activists to target students

#Walkout allows political activists to target students
Children have become targets for political activists.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor March 20, 2018

It was once said, “If a tree falls in the forest, you’ll get three stories: yours, mine and the tree’s.” On March 14 the national student protest #walkout led many students to protest outside their schools, remembering the tragic deaths of 17 students in Florida's school shooting last month. The...

Corey’s Corner: A call for remembrance and progress

Corey’s Corner: A call for remembrance and progress
DBC directs attention to chapel on April 4th—the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination.
President Barry Corey March 20, 2018

Last Saturday night Paula and I listened to the music of Philadelphia native, Ruth Naomi Floyd. I first heard her seven years ago singing in Biola’s Calvary Chapel. With her ensemble this past weekend, she performed a tribute to Frederick Douglass, born 200 years ago. The evening’s songs recalled...

The church should offer women Christ’s freedom

The church should offer women Christ’s freedom
Women’s History Month allows evangelicals to re-open gender debates.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor March 20, 2018

With Women’s History Month posts circling and days set aside specifically for women empowerment, many reactions are beautiful to behold: men thanking their wives, uncles texting their nieces, sisters hugging sisters. But when these days of women empowerment meet the evangelical eyeroll, a question...

“I can only imagine”

“I can only imagine”
Faith-based film brings gospel to theaters near you.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor March 20, 2018

Chances are the words “I can only imagine,” even when spoken, prompt a certain tune into your head. According to Variety, with the movie’s opening weekend under wraps: “Roadside Attractions-Lionsgate’s faith-based ‘I Can Only Imagine’ has crushed early box office forecasts with a surprisingly...

The Oscars take a step towards intersection

Greta Gerwig, Michael B. Jordan, Jordan Peele, Guilermo del Toro and Kumail Nanjiani lead the way.
Ashley Brimmage, Opinions Editor March 14, 2018 defines intersection as: “A place where two or more roads meet, especially when at least one is a major highway; junction.” A shift occurred in Hollywood this year— after “Lady Bird” received many nominations, “Coco” won Best Animated Feature, Jordan Peele became the...

Our understanding of liberty guides our future

Our understanding of liberty guides our future
A choice between liberty and freedom will define the success of our future.
Peter Rothermel VI March 13, 2018

Today, we find our society in a war between liberty and freedom, permeating every level of our society.  How this war ends will define the course of our nation. This war not only implicates the nation, but also the American church. If the church chooses to understand the freedom of Christ to mean we...